[PBS新闻简讯] 丰田召回汽车
The United States attacked Taliban targets in Afghanistan today, for the first time since signing a troop withdrawal agreement last weekend.2020-03-06 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 医生性侵案
In the day's other news: The latest U.S. jobs report showed the strongest pace of hiring since 2016.2020-03-10 编辑:Wendy
[2020年上半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:和平协议墨迹未干 美国就对塔利班发动了空袭
周六,美国与塔利班签署了一项协议,作为实现阿富汗和平以及美军撤离阿富汗的第一步举措。2020-03-09 编辑:aimee
[PBS新闻简讯] 释放塔利班犯人
The U.S. Supreme Court handed the Trump administration a win on its immigration policy today.2020-03-15 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 梵高画作被偷
In the day's other news: Rioting broke out at a prison in Southern Iran, adding to a series of violent outbursts at prisons in the country.2020-03-31 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 航母上的病毒
In the day's other news: Acting U.S. Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly resigned2020-04-08 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 代表人物去世
The leaders of Turkey and Russia agreed today on a cease-fire for Northwestern Syria.2020-03-09 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 阿富汗政府释放人质
In Afghanistan, the government freed 100 Taliban prisoners today,2020-04-10 编辑:Wendy
[2020年上半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:韩国警告民众不要放松警惕
The South Korean President Moon Jae-in has said citizens not to lower their guard in the fight against coronavirus after a cluster of infections linked to nightclubs was confirmed.2020-05-12 编辑:Wendy
[2020年上半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):阿富汗塔利班或与政府签订停火协定
U.S. and Afghan officials announced a reduction-in-violence agreement with the Afghan Taliban Friday, in which both sides agree to stop offensive battles against each other.2020-02-23 编辑:Emma
[2020年下半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:俄罗斯悬赏塔利班袭击美军? 真假成谜
俄罗斯是否为与塔利班有联系的武装分子杀害驻阿富汗美军而提供赏金?2020-07-03 编辑:aimee
[2020年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:德州南部遭遇暴雨和山洪
A volunteer warden at a cathedral in the French city of Nantes has admitted starting a fire that destroyed the building's historic organ.2020-07-28 编辑:Wendy
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):阿富汗总统同意释放塔利班囚犯
阿富汗总统同意释放最后一批400名塔利班囚犯。2020-08-11 编辑:Melody
[2020年下半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:阿富汗与塔利班的和谈陷入僵局
阿富汗和谈于9月12日开启,但由于塔利班的要求使许多阿富汗人感到紧张,谈判已经停滞数周。2020-10-14 编辑:aimee
[2020年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:美国公共卫生危机正在恶化
US media say President-elect Joe Biden has chosen the retired army General Lloyd Austin as his Defense Secretary. If confirmed, General Austin will be the first African American to lead the Pentagon.2020-12-09 编辑:Wendy
[2020年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:英国和欧盟的谈判
Indonesian police say they've arrested a senior member of the Al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah network for his alleged role in a series of deadly bombings on the resort island of Bali in 2002.2020-12-15 编辑:Wendy
[2021年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻:美国可能将重新卷入阿富汗战火(1)
我们希望阿富汗安全部队将在阻止塔利班方面发挥主要作用。2021-05-08 编辑:Melody
[2021年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻:美国可能将重新卷入阿富汗战火(2)
我们希望阿富汗安全部队将在阻止塔利班方面发挥主要作用。2021-05-09 编辑:Melody
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):喀布尔女校遇袭塔利班称停火三日
周一,塔利班宣布停火三日,以庆祝穆斯林宗教节日开斋节。2021-05-12 编辑:clover
[2021年福克斯新闻] 福克斯新闻:美国可能将重新卷入阿富汗战火(3)
我们希望阿富汗安全部队将在阻止塔利班方面发挥主要作用。2021-05-12 编辑:Melody