[可可英语晨读] 新春特辑|世界各地庆祝农历新年的习俗
Rituals and Customs to Celebrate Chinese New Year From mouth-watering treats to impressive pyrotechnics, these are the ways that people commonly celebrate Chinese New Year around the world. Wh..2024-02-09 编辑:kekechendu
[时事热搜榜] 数据显示 个人消费在春节假期期间有所增加
数据显示,春节期间,中国各地的消费者在一系列产品和活动上的支出都有所增加2024-02-18 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读686期|中国春节档电影总票房创下新纪录,你看过哪些?
China’s Film Industry Roars Into New Year With Record Gross China’s Spring Festival box office has grossed over 7.84 billion yuan ($1.09 billion) as of 1:50 p.m. on Saturday, according to industr..2024-02-19 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读686期|中国春节档电影总票房创下新纪录,你看过哪些?
China’s Film Industry Roars Into New Year With Record Gross China’s Spring Festival box office has grossed over 7.84 billion yuan ($1.09 billion) as of 1:50 p.m. on Saturday, according to industr..2024-02-19 编辑:kekechendu
[青少年新闻] 欢庆2024农历新年--龙年
现在是农历新年期间,全世界会有亿万人民庆祝农历新年的开始2024-02-21 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 申遗成功! 春节被列入人类非遗代表作名录
随着木槌落下,中国春节被列入联合国人类非物质文化遗产名录。2024-12-08 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 2025春运于本周二正式开启
中国的假日出行高峰于本周二开始进入高潮。2025-01-17 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 春节假期国内出游超5亿人次
在刚刚结束的春节假期期间,中国国内旅游景点的接待游客数量超过了5亿人次,展示了中国民众的强劲消费能力。2025-02-07 编辑:max