[健康幸福] 牙痛难以忍受 几种简单方法帮你缓解
Relieve a Toothache. Learn five ways to ease the suffering before you reach the dentists chair.2012-12-04 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 牙痛难忍?五个家庭方法帮你缓解
缓解牙痛。这是一种常见的疾病。在看牙医之前,先尝试一下缓解牙痛的五种简单方法。根据以下简单的步骤,缓解疼痛。2013-07-03 编辑:qihui
[经典双语笑话] 经典双语笑话(MP3+中英字幕) 第30期:我的牙齿好痛喔
The world's cheapest man finally went to the dentist to have his teeth fixed. 一个非常吝啬的守财奴终于去牙科看牙齿。2021-03-26 编辑:clover
[胖胖亲子英语] 第68课:A Toothache 牙痛
We have to keep our teeth healthy.我们得保持牙齿健康。2017-10-11 编辑:kekenet
[新概念英语青少版(1B)] 新概念英语青少版(1B):Unit27 Toothache
William: Robert's not well, Karen! What's the matter with him?威廉:罗伯特不太舒服,卡伦!他怎么了?2018-04-16 编辑:Vicki
[跟小小孩儿说英文之衣行病篇] 跟小小孩儿说英文之衣行病篇(MP3+中文字幕) 第6期:牙痛
Honey, do you have a toothache? 乖乖,你的牙在痛吗?2015-01-17 编辑:wendy