[老友记第四季] Friends老友记 S04E22:The One With The Worst Best
Friends老友记 Episode 422:The One With The Worst Best Man Ever The One With The Worst Best Man Ever[Scene: Central Perk, the gang is there, Phoebe is returning from the bathroom.]2006-03-12 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 913:The One Wher
The One Where Monica Sings [Season 9 Episode 13]Scene:Chandler and Monica'sChandler: Hey!Ross: Yeah! Yeah! OK! Sure! Look! Can we...can we talk about what happened here last night?2006-03-18 编辑:admin
[老友记第六季] Friends老友记 S06E02:The One Where Ross Hugs Rac
Friends老友记 Episode 602:The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel[Scene: Central Perk, it’s the same scene from the end of last week’s show.2006-03-16 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 914:The One With
The One With The Blind Dates [Season 9 Episode 14]Scene:Joey and Rachel's apartment. Rachel is in the kitchen as Joey enters from his bedroom.Joey: Morning, roomy!Rachel: Hey! You rem2006-03-18 编辑:admin
[老友记第二季] Friends老友记 S02E12:The One After The Supe
Friends老友记 Episode 212/213:The One After The Superbowl(Part I) The One After the Superbowl[Scene: In a TV commercial that the gang is watching at Monica and Rachel's.][A guy is sitting at his des2006-03-09 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 915:The One With
The One With The Mugging [Season 9 Episode 15]Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Ross, Monica and Phoebe are there as Chandler enters Chandler: (excited) Guys, guys, I've got great news! Gues2006-03-18 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 916:The One With
The One With The Boob Job [Season 9 Episode 16]Scene: Chandler and Monica's apartment. Chandler and Monica are looking through some papers.Chandler: Did you see our bank statement?2006-03-18 编辑:admin
[老友记第二季] Friends老友记 S02E13:The One After The Supe
Friends老友记 Episode 213:The One After The Superbowl(Part II)) The One After the Superbowl[Scene: In a TV commercial that the gang is watching at Monica and Rachel's.][A guy is sitting at his desk2006-03-09 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E01:The One After Ross Says Rac
Friends老友记 Episode 501:The One After Ross Says RachelThe One After Ross Says Rachel[Scene: Ross’s Wedding, continued from last season, the Minister is about to marry Ross and Emily.]Minister: Fri2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E02:The One With All The Kissin
Friends老友记 Episode 502:The One With All The Kissing The One With All The Kissing[Scene: Chandler and Joey's Bathroom, Chandler and Monica are sharing a candlelight bubble bath while drinking cham2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E03:The One Hundredth
Friends老友记 Episode 503:The One Hundredth The One Hundredth[Scene: The Hospital, Phoebe is arriving with Ross, Joey, and Rachel in tow.]Phoebe: (to the nurse) Hi.Nurse: Hi.Phoebe: Hi, yeah, hi! I'2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E04:The One Where Phoebe Hates
Friends老友记 Episode 504:The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel has just gotten home and is going through the mail.2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E05:The One With All the Kips
Friends老友记 Episode 505:The One With All the Kips The One With All the Kips[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, 3:02 A.M., Chandler is up. There's a knock on the door and Chandler answers it.]2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E06:The One With The Yeti
Friends老友记 Episode 506:The One With The Yeti The One With The Yeti[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Monica and Chandler are making out on one of the chairs.]Joey: (entering) Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!! None2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E07:The One Where Ross Moves In
Friends老友记 Episode 507:The One Where Ross Moves In The One Where Ross Moves In[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Joey are there. Joey is looking at a National Geographic and giggling.]2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第五季] Friends老友记 S05E08:The One With The Thanksgivi
Friends老友记 Episode 508:The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone has just finished Thanksgiving dinner and are groanin2006-03-13 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 917:The One With
The One With The Memorial Service [Season 9 Episode 17][Scene: Ross' apartment , Chandler and Joey enter]Chandler: Hey! Ready to go?Ross: Oh yeah, let me just finish this.2006-03-18 编辑:admin
[老友记第六季] Friends老友记 S06E02:The One Where Ross Hugs Rac
Friends老友记 Episode 602:The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel[Scene: Central Perk, it’s the same scene from the end of last week’s show.2006-03-16 编辑:admin
[老友记第二季] Friends老友记 S02E14:The One With the Prom
Friends老友记 Episode 214:The One With the Prom Video The One With the Prom VideoNOTE: For this episode, I'm using italics to signify portions contained in the prom video.[Scene: Chandler and Joey&..2006-03-09 编辑:admin
[老友记第九季] Friends老友记 Episode 918:The One With
The One With The Lottery [Season 9 Episode 18]Scene: Central Perk - Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Ross and Rachel are sitting on the sofas. Joey entersJoey: Monica, hey, can I borrow the P2006-03-18 编辑:admin