[盗梦空间] 《盗梦空间》视听讲解第71期:怪异梦境
You're talking about dreams? 你是说梦境吗? Are you talking about, um, extraction? 你的意思是盗梦?2012-12-30 编辑:justxrh
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第115讲:Grotesque
Tribal dancers were wearing grotesque masks.部落中跳舞的人戴着古怪的面具。2013-08-16 编辑:kekenet
[BBC地道英语] BBC地道英语:Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar 有趣还是怪异
Neil: Hi there, Helen. Now, something funny happened to me on my way here this morning.2014-06-10 编辑:Sunny
[查莉成长日记第一季] 情景喜剧《查莉成长日记》第1季 第98期:怪异的玩伴真受罪!
So either you stop being weird or... 要不你别表现地那么怪异或者...2014-09-10 编辑:spring
[环球之旅] 十大隐藏于世界的怪异神秘景致(上)
我们的世界是个奇怪的地方,在我们还未来得及好好正视它时,它就开始投掷怪异的火球和岩石构建我们的道路,使我们一次又一次处于极度兴奋和崩溃之中2015-12-09 编辑:max
[环球之旅] 十大隐藏于世界的怪异神秘景致(下)
我们的世界是个奇怪的地方,在我们还未来得及好好正视它时,它就开始投掷怪异的火球和岩石构建我们的道路,使我们一次又一次处于极度兴奋和崩溃之中2015-12-09 编辑:max
[吉米肥伦秀] 奇行怪异的老师们
Now I'd like to share some of my favorite #MyTeacherIsWeird stories from you guys. Here we go.This first one is from @ngblaze44. He says my friend and I skipped school one day to go see2018-10-11 编辑:Wendy
[可可英语晨读] 晨读622期|世界上5个令人毛骨悚然的博物馆,你知道几个?
5 creepy museums around the world When we think of museums, we usually expect paintings, sculptures and beautiful art collections. But some have more, exhibiting all sorts of collections related ..2023-11-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读622期|世界上5个令人毛骨悚然的博物馆,你知道几个?
5 creepy museums around the world When we think of museums, we usually expect paintings, sculptures and beautiful art collections. But some have more, exhibiting all sorts of collections related ..2023-11-13 编辑:kekechendu