[高级口译词汇] 高级口译第三版词汇(1):外事接待
高级口译第三版词汇(1)外事接待第一篇制药有限公司 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd副总经理 deputy managing director研究生 graduate student论文 paper研究成果 research findings实验助手 lab assistant市中心 downtown2012-05-30 编辑:melody
[高级口译词汇] 高级口译第三版词汇(2):参观访问
高级口译第三版词汇(2)参观访问第一篇学位点 degree program国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations国家级重点学科 national key disci2012-05-30 编辑:melody
[高级口译历年真题] 2012年3月高级口译上半场阅读理解第一篇原文
本文内容为2012春季高口阅读上半场MC第一篇,原文出自businessweek,原文标题为MIT Professor Gives Language Lessons to Computers。MIT Professor Gives Language Lessons to Computers出自:http://www.business2012-05-30 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译汉译英必备15篇(10)
上海博物馆新馆建筑总面积38000平方米,由地下两层、地上5层构成,建筑高度29.5米。这座壮观的新馆将方体基座和巨型圆顶及4个拱形出挑结合起来,象征着传统文 化与时代精神的完美融合。从高处俯瞰,上海博物馆的玻2012-06-07 编辑:melody
[高级口译历年真题] 2012年3月高级口译下半场阅读理解第二篇原文
More Western towns adopt 'toilet to tap' strategy to water conservationwww.csmonitor.comThis summer, Texas' drought of the century is an uncomfortable reminder that often ther2012-06-07 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译汉译英必备15篇(15)
我们应该尊重和维护世界文明的多样性。各国文明的多样性,是人类社会的基本特征,也是推动世界文明进步的重要动力。当今世界拥有60亿人口,200多个国家和地区,2500多个民族,5000多种语言。各个国家和地区,无论是2012-06-14 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(1)
Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and hi2012-06-18 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(2)
It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning. The university setting is the best incubator that exists for the inception and sharing of ideas. The agend2012-06-19 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(3)
London is one of the world’s great centers for classical and popular culture. it has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The variety ranges fro2012-06-20 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(4)
Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance, insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that in accommodation and food services has quadrupled,2012-06-25 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(5)
The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls. Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get2012-06-27 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(7)
The Sydney Opera House is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. Although its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside, the opera house has come to de2012-07-05 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(8)
中国是个多宗教的国家。主要宗教有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。佛教在 中国已有 2000 多年的历史。现在中国有佛教寺院 1.3 万余座,出家僧尼约 20 万人。道教发 源于中国,已有 1700 多年历史。中国现有2012-07-07 编辑:melody
[阅读辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(9)
You'll find restaurants for every situation in the United States. If you're in a hurry, you may just want to grab some "junk food" at a grocery store, or you can get a bite2012-07-09 编辑:melody
[SAT写作辅导] 如何在SAT作文中使用比较高级的词汇?
SAT作文考试的时间比较短,所以大家一定要在最短的时间内尽一切努力把CB要看的东西呈现出来。SAT作文词汇的应用就是一个非常好的体现方式,虽然SAT作文不是语言考试,但是高级词汇的使用还是会为大家加分不少的2012-07-10 编辑:echo
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(10)
The economist John Maynard Keynes argued that market behavior could not be rational, or subject to improvement, since our existing knowledge did not provide a sufficient basis for a calculated mathem2012-07-12 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(11)
The psychology of the market is one that includes both the psychology of investing and the psychology of gambling. There are the compulsive attractions of gambling in the market. The undulating moods2012-07-16 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(12)
The utility of the United Nations to the United States as an instrument of foreign policy can too easily be underestimated. Over the years since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has been more2012-07-17 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(15)
Round-the-clock timetable is changing our way of life. The 21st century office never leaves us. We bring our wireless cell phones and notebook computers when vacationing. There are people who bring t2012-07-26 编辑:melody
[BEC高级词汇辅导] BEC高级词汇之商业常用词解释-Lesson 157
Orientation, Employee Training各有什么含义?如何应用?听了今天的课程你就会明白了,一起来吧!2012-08-21 编辑:mike