[捷进英语] 捷进英语 lesson 52
We could use another week to finish this.I know. I can hardly believe this.Me neither. Oh well.Some cleaning is just a chore. Other cleaning is good for the soul.I take it you think this is good for2012-04-26 编辑:melody
[捷进英语] 捷进英语 Lesson 53
Thanks. Nancy, this is really nice.We're so used to watching my project on our old TV, it'll be great to see it on yours.Good. We're excited to see your work.Right. So now I&2012-04-26 编辑:melody
[捷进英语] 捷进英语 Lesson 53
Hi Nancy.Augh!!Jamie. You look like you're having fun.I guess I am.I probably haven't done this since Beth was little.Sometimes I think we have children just so that we can play again2012-04-26 编辑:melody