[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第14期:教你正确连读"I'm gonna
You're exactly right. We do reduce "I'm gonna," which is already a reduction of "I am going to," to "I'muna". Basically, dropping the G sound.2015-09-24 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第13期:跟播音主持人Chris Jansing学发音
Hey guys. Welcome to the new Rachel's English mini-series, Interview a Broadcaster!2015-09-22 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第12期:和家人一起度暑假
In this American English pronunciation video, you're going to come on vacation with me and my family, where we play games, water ski, and go to the beach.2015-09-21 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第11期:教你地道发音"I have got to
So, in this video you're going to see a spread of food like I've never seen before. And also, we'll study a little pronunciation along the way.2015-09-17 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第19期:总统演讲里的缩读
We're going to take a look at both his speech, and his opponent, Mitt Romney's speech, delivered at the end of the evening. First, the word 'wanna'.2015-10-12 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第10期:怎样准确发音"gonna"和
Of course, we'll also study pronunciation, and we'll see a lot of reduction in action, like 'gotta', 'gonna', them, and can. Stay tuned, it's going to be a blast.2015-09-16 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第9期:采访播音员教你发音
So people all over the world are looking to those in America who deliver the news as a standard for how to speak American English. So I'm curious, where are you from?2015-09-15 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第20期:结尾浊音和结尾清辅音的发音对比
All vowels are voiced. All diphthongs are voiced. Consonants can be either voiced or unvoiced. Unvoiced consonants are made just with air, no, uhh, sound from the vocal cords.2015-10-13 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第21期:怎样更好发音多音节单词
I encourage you to keep a running list of long words that have come up in conversation for you that are hard for you to say. Maybe they are words that relate to your field of study or work.2015-10-14 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第18期:"Gonna" 和"Wa
Today I'm going to talk about the phrases 'want to' and 'going to'. Wanna and gonna are acceptable, although casual, pronunciations of these phrases.2015-10-10 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第22期:怎样让舌头更灵活地发音
In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to invite Tom to give you a practice tip on tongue flexibility.2015-10-15 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第23期:发声练习之软腭发声练习
If you're creating more space, you may automatically lift your soft palate to accommodate that. So you can focus on creating space in the back of your mouth or throat as you talk.2015-10-16 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第24期:发音练习之脖子和嗓子放松练习
so that your voice can rest more here. Any time there's tension in the neck, it brings the placement up higher. But we want the American English placement to feel like it's coming from here.2015-10-19 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第25期:嘴唇放松发音练习
I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, one of the funny faces that I loved making was the fish face.2015-10-20 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第25期:舌头放松发声练习
In this American English Pronunciation video, we're going to go over tongue relaxation exercises. From the L to the R to the T, the tongue is very important2015-10-21 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第26期:下颌发声放松练习
Many of our students have a tendency to hold a bunch of tension in the jaw, whether as a habit from their native language, or because they are focusing on learning a bunch of new sounds.2015-10-22 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第27期:发音的路径和发音的部位
I sometimes feel like their voice only comes from their head, and is placed very much so here, whereas my voice, when I speak English, rests more here. And I feel the placement a little lower.2015-10-23 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第28期:英语是一门重音节拍的语言
In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over why some words sound different when they're said on their own than they do when they're said as part of a sentence2015-10-27 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第29期:给你三个网站助你正确发音
Today I'm going to show you three different online resources that will help you figure this out on your own.2015-10-28 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第30期:发音的正确口位
This is to help you focus on the mouth. I want you to see how much the mouth really is moving to make these different sounds. When you practice English, use a mirror sometimes2015-10-29 编辑:liekkas