[双语散文] 哲理美文欣赏:人生十年 这十年带走了什么又留下了什么
十年前我们穿着统一的校服,朴素中透出的是阳光般的灿烂。 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁2013-05-08 编辑:shaun
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第16期:青春励志(16)
One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites.2013-05-09 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第17期:青春励志(17)
Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lif..2013-05-10 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第18期:青春励志(18)
Happiness Finding acceptance is a natural desire of most people. When we are young, it is important to us to be accepted by a group and to be seen as "cool" by our peers.2013-05-13 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第19期:青春励志(19)
Friend Most people seem to have an innate fear of failure, but failure is really your best friend. People who succeed also fail a great deal because they make a lot of attempts.2013-05-14 编辑:jasmine
[心灵鸡汤] 心灵鸡汤:小时候那些和妈妈有关的画面
The little girl was nestling closely up to her mother 他从来没有离开过家,所以他妈妈担忧地望着他离去。2013-05-10 编辑:shaun
[经典诗歌] 为你写诗,赞美母亲:什么支配着世界
What rules the World?(什么支配着世界) --BY William Ross Wallace. (1819–1881)2013-05-10 编辑:shaun
[双语散文] 为你祝词,赞美母亲:妈妈是坠落人间的天使
从前,有个孩子马上就要诞生了。于是有一天他问上帝:“听说明天您就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?”2013-05-10 编辑:shaun
[心灵鸡汤] 心灵鸡汤: 如何来投资人生收获一生
庞胜龙(音译)心里很清楚,出国留学可能并非一项好的投资选择。毕竟全球经济仍在持续衰退,求职时,海外文凭同国内文凭相比,并无优势可言。2013-05-07 编辑:shaun
[听力专题] 新增《那些年那些诗》栏目
新增《那些年那些诗》栏目新增《那些年那些诗》栏目新增《那些年那些诗》栏目2012-08-13 编辑:lily
[双语散文] 为你回忆,感恩母亲:那些她牵手前行的时光
你来到人世时,她把你抱在怀里。而你对她的感恩回报,就是像报丧女妖一样哭得天昏地暗。2013-05-10 编辑:shaun
[双语散文] 双语散文:无论梦想大小,坚定就能走到
我有一个朋友叫蒙蒂•罗伯茨,他拥有一座养马场。他让我用他的房子作为举办筹集基金活动的地点。上次我在他那儿时,他跟我说:“我想给你讲一个故事。2013-05-13 编辑:shaun
[双语散文] 哲理美文欣赏: 赢得大师的尊重
年轻的美国作曲家丹尼尔•格里格利•梅森来到波士顿,当他拜见伟大的钢琴家和作曲家伊格纳奇•扬•帕岱莱夫斯基时,一开始就遇到了麻烦。2013-05-13 编辑:shaun
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第20期:青春励志(20)
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up.2013-05-17 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第22期:人生感悟(2)
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door of happiness closes, another opens.2013-05-21 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第23期:人生感悟(3)
Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruits, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.2013-05-22 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第24期:人生感悟(4)
A smile is a glow on our face. It is more powerful than a bulb of one thousand watts and the warmth it gives can serve us more than any electric heater.2013-05-23 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第25期:人生感悟(5)
A smile is a glow on our face. It is more powerful than a bulb of one thousand watts and the warmth it gives can serve us more than any electric heater.2013-05-24 编辑:jasmine
[专四美文听写训练] 专四美文听写训练 第26期:人生感悟(6)
Understanding of Oneself In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with.2013-05-27 编辑:jasmine
[双语散文] 双语散文:35条建议,照亮别人的生活
One small, thoughtful gesture can make someone else's day... 一个细微体贴之举可以使别人的一天很开心……2013-05-20 编辑:shaun