[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第42课:Money Management
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to open a bank account.STUART: Max is one of my best friends, but, he's terrible with money. I mean he is awful with money. There's no gett2012-05-29 编辑:rainbow
[Faith口语天天学] Faith口语天天学第210期:你没品位
什么是品位呢?这确实很难用语言来描述。你们好,欢迎来到《Faith口语课堂-天天学》新的一课,我是Faith老师,今天来培养一下大家对英语的品位。Procrastinate: vi. 拖延, 耽搁You can’t procrastinate any longer2012-05-29 编辑:rainbow
[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语:原子结尾酒
迷你对话:A: Susan has got the cancer of stomach.Susan得了癌症。B: How terrible! This is quite unexpected!太可怕了!这真让人难以置信!A: Yesterday when I went to hospital to see her, you cannot imagi2012-06-02 编辑:Ballet
[跟可可学口语] 跟可可学最新口语热词:Grexit 希腊退出欧元区
评级机构标准普尔4日发布报告称,在希腊议会6月17日进行重新选举后,希腊在接下来几个月内退出欧元区的可能性至少为三分之一。请看中国日报网报道:After Greece's national elections on May 6 left the c2012-06-06 编辑:echo
[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第44期:所有行囊
迷你对话:A: Susan is going to get a divorce.Susan要离婚了。B: How do you know that?你怎么知道的?A: She told me that she has a quarrel last nigh, and she left this morning, bag and baggage.她昨天告诉2012-06-03 编辑:Ballet
[托福口语集训80题] 托福口语集训80题附带例文及口语范说 第4期
今天是第四天啦,其实我们YY托福雅思口语室已经正式开启近两周了,训练效果很好,感觉到大家的那份努力的劲头,忙碌之余,我觉得很欣慰~在这里也给大家做一个tips吧,想加入我们YY托福雅思备考的同学,请务必加入两2012-06-06 编辑:amylee
[托福口语集训80题] 托福口语集训80题附带例文及口语范说 第2期
大家好,我是AmyLee, 我上一次杀托的成绩出来啦,口语24分虽然不算一个很高的分数,但是相较以前进步了许多,下一次我的目标是25+,你呢?口语相比是大多数人头疼的难题,我也跟你们一样,从笨拙的唇舌之战中一路走2012-06-04 编辑:amylee
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第47课:健康饮食
Eating Healthily 健康饮食By the end of this lesson, you will understand what it takes to be fitness instructor.本课最后,你将理解健身教练是什么样子的。BOB: A healthy diet is very important. But eatin2012-06-06 编辑:rainbow
[Faith口语天天学] Faith口语天天学第216期:Faith婚礼誓言
同学们,欢迎来到《Faith口语课堂-天天学》最新的一课,我是Faith老师,今天我很兴奋,我要彩排一下我的婚礼誓言wedding vows。I can’t wait...Recognize: vt.认出, 识别出某人[某事物];承认…有效[属实]; 认可;2012-06-06 编辑:rainbow
[每日一句口语] 每日一句初级口语第169期:英国女王彩排替身
今天我们要学的每日一句的内容是:The former BBC manager, Ella Slack, has been unknown to anyone except a handful of key advisers, spent thelast quarter of a century acting as the Queen’s official sta2012-06-04 编辑:joanna
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第189期:贸易索赔之
正文部分Agree with the claims同意索赔A: Our investigation results tell us that the factory party is responsible for the cargo damage. We are so sorry for the inconvenience we brought to you in this m2012-06-06 编辑:rainbow
[每日一句口语] 每日一句初级口语第170期:剑桥大学年度美臀
今天我们要学的每日一句的内容是:While their predecessors have amassed dozens of Nobel prizes and other intellectual accolades, the current crop of Cambridge undergraduates is focusing on a rather le2012-06-05 编辑:joanna
[每日妙语时间] 每日妙语时间第15期:我们快离开这里!
单词与短语:1.snipe:沙锥(一种鸟类,生活在沼泽区)2.tickle:发痒原声对白欣赏:Carl:What is that thing?Russell:It's a snipe.Carl:There is no such thing as a snipe!Russell:But you said...Carl:2012-06-05 编辑:lily
[] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第45课:Lifestyle Change
1970-01-01 编辑:
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第49课:临时主管
Temporary Manager临时主管By the end of this lesson, you will be able to write notes on a web page about properties.本课结束,你将能在网站上写一些和所有权有关的笔记。MAX: Come on boy, good boy, good b2012-06-08 编辑:rainbow
[Faith口语天天学] Faith口语天天学第215期:我推掉了
大家好,欢迎《Faith口语课堂-天天学》的新老学员们,我是Faith老师,有人邀请我今晚去一个dating bar(约会酒吧),你知道我是很不喜欢参加这种活动的,所以我得想办法wriggle out it. 想知道“wriggle out it”是何2012-06-05 编辑:rainbow
[托福口语集训80题] 托福口语集训80题附带例文及口语范说 第3期
早安,笨鸟先飞,我是AmyLee, 每天进步一点点,今天你准备好了吗?口语相比是大多数人头疼的难题,我也跟你们一样,从笨拙的唇舌之战中一路走来,想尽各种办法提高口语。不过最终我总结出来的还是:背诵和交流是提2012-06-05 编辑:amylee
[外贸口语一点通] 外贸口语一点通第187期:贸易索赔之
Make a claim 提出索赔A: Three boxes of your product didn't coincide with your sample last time.上次你们的货物中有三箱品质规格与样品不符。B: I've no idea of what is happening. There ha2012-06-04 编辑:rainbow
[一级口语] 2012年pets一级口语词汇学习(7)
China n. 中国Chinese a. 中国的 中国人的;n. 中国人, 汉语cinema n. 电影院city n. 城市class n. 班, 班级classroom n. 教室close v. 关闭 a. 接近的clothes n.衣2012-06-06 编辑:echo
[三级口语] 2012年公共英语三级口语:基本表达法(否定)
基本表达法I’m not sure if it is.我拿不准。I’m not at all sure if it is.我根本拿不准。I’m not certain if it is.我拿不准。I can’t say for certain.我说不准。I’m not too sure of it.我不十分拿得准。中2012-06-06 编辑:echo