[大千世界] 日本研发可“增强咸味”的电子筷
Japan researchers develop electric chopsticks to enhance salty taste2022-04-20 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 不写完不许走!这家专治拖延症的写作咖啡馆火了
Unique Tokyo Café Only Serves Struggling Writers Working on Tight Deadlines2022-05-13 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 我国九成以上博物馆免费开放
Majority of China's museums now free2022-05-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 为什么发烧时会做奇怪的噩梦?
What Exactly Is a Fever Dream?2022-05-25 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 中国生物物种名录2022版发布
China releases new database on biodiversity2022-05-25 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 关于读书的好处 这些著名作家的话一语中的
11 inspiring quotes about books and reading2022-05-26 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “夫妻相”真的存在吗?答案你可能想不到……
A team of researchers from Stanford University in the US put together a database of pictures of 517 couples,2022-05-30 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 喝咖啡还能顺便看中医,广州这家“中医养生咖啡馆”火了
TCM meets coffee and ice cream in Guangzhou2022-06-07 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 生物学家:气候变暖或使人类变小
Climate crisis could make humans shrink in size, says fossil expert2022-06-09 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 青海湖国家公园创建申请获批
China to establish national park at Qinghai Lake2022-06-10 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 太会玩!这个北欧城市用性感女声吸引人投放垃圾
Sexy trash cans? This Swedish city is taking a risqué approach to garbage2022-06-15 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 俄罗斯原麦当劳餐厅更名重开张
McDonald's successor opens in Russia2022-06-16 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 关于父亲节你不了解的4个事实
4 surprising facts about Father's Day2022-06-17 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 15款雪糕权威测评,总糖含量最高的竟然是这一款......
The word "fat" may sound very "unhealthy" for many people, as it is often associated with overeating, overweight and some chronic diseases.2022-06-20 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 日本公司发明便携式口袋马桶 使用后在室内放置一周也不会臭
Japanese company makes the world's smallest portable toilet2022-06-21 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 发光冰淇淋、昆虫冰淇淋……现在的冰淇淋也太卷了吧
Awesome 5 weird ice cream flavors2022-06-22 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营
Asia's largest passenger railway hub starts operation2022-06-23 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] “金鸡独立”可测试你的寿命
Wobbly on one leg? Ability to balance is linked to a longer life, study finds2022-06-24 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 网友馋哭了!外国小姐姐挑战在中国一天只吃饺子
"This seafood one was my other favorite. The prawn were just so fresh and everything was amazing. It also had pork in it, super flavorful."2022-06-27 编辑:sophie
[大千世界] 西班牙塞维利亚成为世界首个给热浪命名和分级的城市
Seville to name and classify heatwaves in effort to protect public2022-06-28 编辑:sophie