[迷失] 看《迷失》学美语:第1季第3集(6):要想人不知,除非己莫为
原文欣赏We couldn't send out a signal because there was another signal blocking it.我们不能发射信号是因为被另外一个信号阻挡了The other signal...we 2012-11-22 编辑:lily
[CCTV9] 我国北部将因寒流来袭导致气温降低
According to the China Meteorological Administration, the cold current sweeping towards China will cause temperatures to 2012-11-22 编辑:mike
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:奥巴马与泰国美艳总理英拉讲话
奥巴马与缅甸昂山素季发表讲话【精彩回顾】》》》---今日心情:火爆双十一天猫淘宝狂吸金191亿乔布斯的苹果,从树上掉下来了奥巴马缅甸仰光大学历史性演讲【中英】2012奥巴马连任胜选演说【中英】【President Obama and Aung San Suu Kyi Deliver Remar2012-11-24 编辑:kahn
[CCTV9] 魔术师15秒跨越黄河创造记录
A magic show entitled "Crossing the Yangtze River, a Magic Night at Yellow Crane Tower" has been staged&n2012-11-26 编辑:mike
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第133期:你曾得到什么,你曾失去什么
原文欣赏Hey. Sorry about the wait.抱歉久等了What am I doing here? Finnegan just said, "show up." what is this?让我来这里干什么&2012-11-26 编辑:lily
[迷失] 看《迷失》学美语:第1季第3集(7):把悲伤隐藏才能不再迷茫
原文欣赏So what'd she say?她说什么了?She didn't say anything.什么都没说But you told her you knew.你告诉她你知道了吗I d2012-11-27 编辑:lily
[CCTV9] 中国高校取消长跑运动项目
Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei province, recently cancelled the women's 3-thousand-meter r2012-11-27 编辑:mike
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第134期:世界处处有谎言的痕迹
原文欣赏On october 14, 2005, specialist jacqueline kuransky was killed by enemy fire while on patrol in tikrit...2005年10月14日2012-11-27 编辑:lily
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:中国航母舰载机歼-15首次起降飞行
中国航母舰载机歼15首次起降飞行--72岁翁为外孙女做网店女装模特爆红网络--112万人竞逐2013公务员同比去年增15万--CNN学生新闻2012-11-28 编辑:kahn
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:瑞典恋尸女与骷髅发生性关系遭指控
奥巴马总统内阁会议讲话--中国男同性恋传播艾滋病人数增多--瑞典恋尸癖女与骷髅发生性关系遭指控--美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马节日讲话2012-11-30 编辑:kahn
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:大学生就业难,难在哪?
贺岁档厮杀惨烈 年底大片实力大PK--大学生就业难,难在哪?--美国一夫妇中2.93亿美元大奖2012-12-03 编辑:kahn
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:奥巴马肯尼迪中心荣誉奖招待会上讲话
奥巴马肯尼迪中心荣誉奖招待会上讲话,大学生就业难,难在哪?习近平参观《复兴之路》深情阐述中国梦2012-12-05 编辑:kahn
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:习近平参观《复兴之路》深情阐述中国梦
习近平参观《复兴之路》深情阐述中国梦--海基无人机准备第一次航母试航--联合国承认巴勒斯坦是主权国--奥巴马午餐宴请罗姆尼2012-12-01 编辑:kahn
[CCTV9] 英国王室宣布凯特王妃怀孕
There was excitement across the world amongst fans of Britain's royal family on Monday, with the announcement that Prince William2012-12-04 编辑:mike
[英语演讲比赛] 第16届21世纪杯全国英语演讲半决赛秦怿炜演讲视频
The first one: what was your first dream?The second: How many of you have made this first dream come true?2012-12-05 编辑:alex
[英语演讲比赛] 第16届21世纪杯全国英语演讲半决赛张小洁演讲视频
It was a scorching hot day in the summer of 2005. I was rehearsing one of Beethoven’s music on my flute when suddenly the music teacher interrupted me with a cry of frustration2012-12-06 编辑:alex
[英语演讲比赛] 第16届21世纪杯全国英语演讲半决赛樊明亮演讲视频
Good morning , ladies and gentlemen,it's a great pleasure standing here presenting a speech concerning the topic Pressure and Passion.Nowadays people's various desires are rising together wi..2012-12-07 编辑:alex
[英语演讲比赛] 第16届21世纪杯全国英语演讲半决赛张雯演讲视频
The famous actor John Lithgow said, " Everybody is a dreamer." When we were little children, we had many strange dreams. We dreamed we were Peter Pan; we dreamed we could talk to animals.2012-12-08 编辑:alex
[英语演讲比赛] 第16届21世纪杯全国英语演讲半决赛王靖蕊演讲视频
I grew up with all kinds of dreams. Today I want to share two of them. They both have to do with playing musical instruments.2012-12-09 编辑:alex
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:成龙凭《十二生肖》囊获二项吉尼斯世界记录
成龙凭《十二生肖》获二项吉尼斯世界记录--日本爱国者-3导弹向冲绳集结 应对朝鲜卫星发射--这样的烟盒你还敢抽烟吗?--美国参议院批准支持日本钓鱼岛争端的修正案2012-12-07 编辑:kahn