[食尚男女] 家中自制柠檬汁 为夏日生活增添清爽
Homemade Lemonade recipe. A classic, refreshing, zesty drink. Great to enjoy on those long, summer days. Experience 2012-08-31 编辑:Amosway
[赖世雄初级美国英语(讲解版)] 生活休闲:Sex Marks the Spot
Eric: May I take your photograph, Jane? Jane: Please don't. Eric: Why not? You're beautiful. Jane: Well, I do not consider myself photogenic. 你很漂亮 埃里克:简,我可以帮你照张相吗? 简 :请不要。2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[赖世雄初级美国英语(讲解版)] 生活休闲:动物之灵:"走后"如何找到我们的宠物
Have you noticed that it's getting warmer and warmer every year? To put it simply that's because of air pollution. Scientists tell us that because of air pollution, the earth's heat ..2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[PBS访谈娱乐系列] pbs高端访谈:"30 Lessons for Living”老一代的生活经验
JEFFREY BROWN:And finally tonight, navigating the trials of life and aging in the words of those who've experie2012-11-13 编辑:melody
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:生活必需品送达洪水过后的灾区
中英文本This is the most devastated area here in the town of Branquinha, located around next to the Mundau2012-11-13 编辑:mike
[备考经验] 生活中也能总结出雅思口语备考经
伴随着雅思七的到来,对广大积极备考的老师和同学来说,能尽快发现、熟悉和适应新雅思带来的变化,应对新的出题理念,找到应对的策略和思路是非常必要的。相对于听力、阅读和写作来说,口语中的新变化还是很明显的。在Part1 和Part2中对一些像“laugh”之类抽象事物的考察,以及Part3的问题中的句式和语气的复杂化,也给考生应考带来更多不确定性的挑战,同时对考生听力、语法等综合能力的考察2012-11-14 编辑:kekenet
[赖世雄初级美国英语(讲解版)] 生活休闲:Frommer’s 英格兰 2010版
Shella: Hey, Stan, can you do me a favor? Stan : Sure. What is it? Shella: Can you keep an eye on the kids while I go to the doctor's? Start : OK, but hurry back! 快点回来 席拉:嘿,斯坦,你可以帮我2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[英语导读1000句] 生活休闲:意大利的黄昏 Twilight in Italy
Section 28Acid Rain50 years ago, no one talked about acid rain.Then we didn't really know the harm it was causing to the world.Today almost every adult and school child is aware of acid rain an..2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[健康生活] "走"出更好的生活 Walking for A Better Life!
Everyone dreams to look slim. Hey, walking is the best way to keep you in shape. Even you can enjoy2012-11-15 编辑:ivy
[创意生活] 生活小技巧:用白面包清洗墙壁
White bread is highly absorbent and therefore great at getting at tough wall stains, particularly fingerprints. Put 2012-11-16 编辑:qihui
[英语导读1000句] 生活休闲:折纸飞机 Origami Aircraft
Section 30Climate ChangeEl Nino, which is not an English name, is playing an important part in our lives.We often hear people talk about the strange weather we are having nowadays.The changing weathe2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[口语怎么说-生活篇] 这句话怎么说(生活篇) 第87期:"屌丝"怎么说?
“屌丝”这个词似乎在一夜之间成了网络红词,人人都自称“屌丝”,可似乎人人又都算不上“屌丝”。那么,“屌丝”这个词英语怎么说呢?简单的说是:Plebs讲解:Plebs is short for plebians, derived from the period of the Ancient&2012-11-20 编辑:Aimee
[朋友一场] 听电影《朋友一场》学英语第07期:好好生活
原文欣赏Chris! Chris, come back!克里斯! 克里斯,回来! My name is Chris Brander! Chris, let’s talk!我叫克里斯 布兰德!克里斯,我们谈谈! You remember that 2012-11-20 编辑:justdoit
[战争之王] 影视精讲《战争之王》第07期:生活一团糟
原文欣赏I made the first sale.我做成了第一笔生意。We're already in business. 这买卖咱们已经在干了。Whoa, whoa. We? 呃...咱们?I need a partner. 我要个合伙人。I don&2012-11-21 编辑:justxrh
[中高级口译考试词汇必备配套MP3] 经管励志:过你想过的生活
《中/高级口译考试词汇必备》新东方口译培训考试指定用书配套MP3[1]2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[恋爱物语] 婚姻生活:怎样和女婿保持良好关系
When your daughter marries, you are not so much losing her as gaining a son, so learn how to make th2012-11-23 编辑:qihui
[留学动态] 留学在外,提前关注医疗保障很重要
近两年,全球主要货币美元、欧元、英镑、日元、澳元等对人民币一直处于贬值的通道中,这在客观上刺激了越来越多家庭把子女送到海外留学。在考虑子女留学计划时,应当对其保险保障计划有所关注。2012-11-29 编辑:Jasmine
[印象加拿大] 加拿大曼省有个"北极熊监狱"
位于加拿大曼尼托巴省北部哈德逊湾沿岸的丘吉尔港被称为“世界北极熊之都”。每年11月上旬,这里都会聚集众多等候港湾冰封的北极熊。2012-11-29 编辑:Amy
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:吉尔吉斯斯坦边境跨越者的悲惨生活
I'm pleased to announce that BP has agreed to set aside 20 billion dollars to pay claims for damages resulting from the spill2012-11-30 编辑:mike
[经济学人文艺系列] 经济学人:真实的故事,有关自行车及生活
写一部关于体育运动的小说,显然是有难度的。让文学去关注一粒球怎样入网,冲刺终点需要多长时间,看起来多少有点奇怪。然而,事实也不尽然。古典文学所追求的叙述方式往往是一个从克服障碍到实现目标的过程。2012-12-05 编辑:melody