[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit42 透视妒嫉心理
Unit 42 Understanding Jealousy Most of us have experienced Shakespeare's "green-eyed monster" -- jealousy. It is a terrible obsession. Often in a crisis we'd like to k2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit43 教你如何应对妒嫉
Unit 43 Handling Jealousy Needless to say, the best protection against jealousy is a good relationship, i.e. prevention is better than a cure. If the love can be kept alive and exciting, that i2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit44 现金购买恭维话
Unit 44 Cash for Compliments What does it cost to feel good about yourself in Japan, now that this once-proud nation is in economic recession and social gloom? About 95 cents. Two young Japanes2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit45 中式友谊与西式友谊
Unit 45 Friendship in China and the West -- Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes. Chinese are friends even if they hav2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit46 我们这个时代的购物狂
Unit 46 Shopaholics of Our Times In trying to keep up with the Jones, many people buy more than they can really afford. For some who purchase many items they neither need or use, however, there2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit47 大雁的启迪
Unit 47 Lessons from Geese Lesson 1 As each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following it. By flying in V-formation, the whole flock adds 70% greater flying range tha2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit48 互联网威胁个人隐私
Unit 48 Internet Threatens Privacy In the past, if a shop manager wanted to know you better, he had to rely on a good memory for detail. They cane out from behind the counter to give you person2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit49 杰夫·贝索斯生意经
Unit 49 Book of Jeff Bezos When one thinks of the individuals who have played a great role in the development of the Internet, names like Tim Burners Lee (developer of the World Wide Web), Bill2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[英语流行话题阅读] 英语流行话题阅读:Unit50 与汤姆·克鲁斯面对面
Unit 50 Face to Face with Tom Cruise Change terrifies most of us. Not Tom Cruise. Want proof? His dad abandoned his family, and he grew up poor. He couldn't read, and teachers said he w2012-05-30 编辑:cherry
[六级阅读训练] 2012年6月英语六级快速阅读每日一练(6.12)
阅读理解答案详解2012-06-12 编辑:Daisy
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读材料:Never sell your soul
又到一年毕业季,你准备好踏入社会的大门了吗?你设想过自己将要成为什么样的人吗?当人们向惠普公司前CEO卡莉·费奥瑞娜询问职业生涯的意见时,她常常告诉大家,不要放弃你的内在本性,千万不要出卖你的灵魂,因2012-06-06 编辑:Daisy
[六级阅读训练] 2012年6月英语六级快速阅读每日一练(6.04)
2012-06-04 编辑:Daisy
[备考经验] 雅思听力阅读双8分备考经验谈
新东方雅思强化班学员备考一月听力阅读喜获双8分 雅思双8分 --雅思强化班学员韩子维 韩子维,中国矿业大学在读,非英语专业的他,不能够每天和英语打交道,准备雅思的时间远远低于其他同学,但是金牛座的他2012-06-04 编辑:rainbow
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读难句中英文互译精选
托福阅读中有一些长难句难以攻克,这些长难句的具体表现是:语法复杂,词汇量多,逻辑复杂等。下面,为您整理“托福阅读难句中英文互译精选”,希望大家认真阅读,仔细分析,在词汇和语法上都能取得进步。 1.W2012-06-04 编辑:Daisy
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读材料:你是否适合创业?
很多同学毕业或者留学之后,都想选择自己创业。不过,大家也需要知道,创业是有一定风险的。开始创业之前,你必须检查一下自己的硬件和软件,看是不是真适合创业。下面,就带你进入今天的托福阅读材料:你是否适合创2012-06-04 编辑:Daisy
[高级口译历年真题] 2012年3月高级口译下半场阅读理解第一篇原文
Do not resuscitate: final word is with medical staff, whatever patient feelswww.guardian.co.uk/societyThe case of Janet Tracey who died in Addenbrooke's hospital after family claims that a &q2012-06-06 编辑:melody
[托福阅读辅导] 托福阅读材料:女性28岁时最幸福
女性什么时候最幸福呢?是无忧无虑的童年时光?还是青春懵懂的少女时代?科学研究,28岁被认定为女性一生之中头发最健康,身材最棒,最自信的年龄。所以,女性28岁时最幸福。下面,一起进入今天的托福阅读材料:女2012-06-04 编辑:Daisy
[考研阅读备考辅导] 六处入手教你破解考研阅读
1. 标点符号在阅读中的作用 :① 句号。用来分割句子 ,以句号为单位,把段分隔成块,逐个击破。团条 ② 逗号。在两个逗号中间是一个补充说明成分时,在阅读过程中可以献跳过去不读。 ③ 冒号。冒号的后面2012-06-13 编辑:melody
[六级阅读训练] 2012年6月英语六级快速阅读每日一练(6.11)
阅读理解 Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choice2012-06-11 编辑:Daisy
[SAT学习经验] SAT阅读常见结构性指示词小结
下面为大家整理的是关于SAT阅读指示词的总结内容,主要是从文章结构的角度整理了相关的重点指示词,可以指引大家更快的掌握文章各个部分的内容,帮助大家更快的找到相关的答案所在的位置。大家一起来看看详细内2012-06-13 编辑:echo