[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第92期
The Gibsons were little given to_____in any form; not one of them was afraid of_____, of being and seeming unlike2014-11-21 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第93期
Because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still_____ on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive2014-11-22 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第94期
The pungent verbal give-and-take among the characters makes the novel _____reading, and this very_____suggests to2014-11-23 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第95期
In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses2014-11-24 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第96期
Marison was a scientist of unusual_____and imagination who had startling success in_____new and fundamental2014-11-25 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第97期
The_____costumes of Renaissance Italy, with their gold and silver embroidery and figured brocades. were the antithesis2014-11-26 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第99期
Experienced employers recognize that business students who can_____ different points of view are ultimately2014-11-28 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第100期
Doreen justifiably felt she deserved recognition for the fact that the research institute had been_____a position2014-11-29 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第101期
Having sufficient income of her own constituted for Alice_____ independence that made possible a degree of_____in her emotional life as well.2014-11-30 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第102期
Actual events in the history of life on Earth are accidental in that any outcome embodies just one_____among millions2014-12-01 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第103期
Poe's_____reviews of contemporary fiction, which often find great merit in otherwise_____literary gems, must2014-12-02 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第104期
While not_____the colorfully obvious forms of life that are found in a tropical rain forest, the desert is_____to2014-12-03 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第105期
Read's apology to Heflin was not exactly abject and did little to_____their decades-long quarrel, which had been2014-12-04 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第106期
The chances that a species will_____are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ;_____by2014-12-05 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第137期
The trick for Michael was to_____his son an illusory orderliness; only alone at night, when the boy was asleep, could Michael2015-01-05 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第138期
In small farming communities, accident victims rarely sue or demand compensation: transforming a personal injury into2015-01-06 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第139期
One of archaeology's central dilemmas is how to reconstruct the_____ of complex ancient societies from meager and often_____physical evidence.2015-01-07 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第140期
Prior to the work of Heckel, illustrations of fish were often beautiful but rarely_____; this fact, combined with2015-01-08 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第141期
The insecticide proved_____; by killing the weak adults of a species, it assured that the strong ones would mate among2015-01-09 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第142期
Though dealers insist that professional art dealers can make money in the art market, even an_____knowledge is not enough2015-01-10 编辑:mike