[雅思写作辅导] 剑桥雅思5写作部分概览
在大作文的问题上,相较于《剑一》至《剑四》,《剑五》一书并没有在原有的题库中添加新的主题,依然是以教育类、政府类、文化类、环保类及科技类为主要命题内容。2013-04-28 编辑:phoenix
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第2期:Test1 (section1-2)
Of course in peak times like the summer holidays we do them every weekend, but at the moment it's usually once a month at most. 在旺季,如夏日暑假的时候,我们当然每周末都有,但是平时我们最多一个月一次。2015-02-15 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第3期:Test1 (section1-3)
NO, I think I 'd prefer whales to snakes. 不,我想比起蛇,我更喜欢鲸鱼。2015-02-26 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第4期:Test1 (section1-4)
And if you cancel within seven days of departure you will have to pay 50% of your total booking. OK. 如果你在出发前7天内取消,你将不得不付50%的预定费。好的。2015-02-28 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第1期:Test1 (section1-1)
Good afternoon, Dreamtime Travel, How can I help you? 下午好,梦幻时光旅行社。我能帮你做什么?2015-02-13 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第6期:Test1 (section2-2)
And finally better news for the's Mother Choice cot. 最后,好消息是来自“母亲的选择”的小床。2015-03-06 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第5期:Test1 (section2-1)
Hello and welcome to today's ' Buyer Beware ' programme, where we give you some tips om how ti spend your money wisely. 你好,欢迎来到今天的《购物要当心》节目。我们将向你介绍几点如何明智花钱的技巧。2015-03-04 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第8期:Test1 (section3-2)
You see, my office have agreed to pay the cost of the course itself, but I would have to take unpaid leave if I want to study full time and, 我的公司同意付课程费,但是如果我上全日制课程,我得请无薪假。2015-03-11 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第9期:Test1 (section3-3)
Well, it's a mixture. You 'd be expected to write an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment. 各种各样的作业。你每月要写一份论文,这将记入你的最终评定。2015-03-16 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第7期:Test1 (section3-1)
Excuse me, I was told to come here for advice about, erm, Management Diploma course? 打扰一下,我被告知来这里咨询管理文凭的课程?2015-03-10 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第10期:Test1 (section3-4)
The important thing is that you don’t have to study and work. You can focus on one thing at a time. 重要的是你不用既上班又学习。你可以一次专注于一件事。2015-03-17 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第11期:Test1 (section4-1)
Ok, so we 've been looking at the attitudes of various social and cultural groups towards the management of their personal finances; 好的,我们一直在调查不同社会和文化群体对个人理财的态度,2015-03-18 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第12期:Test1 (section4-2)
But the other main priority for men when saving money is their retirement. 但是男人存钱的另一个主要原因是为了他们的退休生活。2015-03-19 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第13期:Test1 (section4-3)
Women today need to look ahead, think ahead, not wait until they 're under pressure. 现在,女人应该高瞻远瞩,不要等到压力来了才想。2015-03-20 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第14期:Test2 (section1-1)
Good morning, North College Library. How can I help you? 早上好,这里是北方大学图书馆。我能帮你做些什么?2015-03-24 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第15期:Test2 (section1-2)
I was at Westerly College until last year but now I 've got a job at Jefferson's steel factory. 去年之前,我在西方大学读书,但是现在我在杰弗逊的钢铁厂上班。2015-03-25 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第16期:Test2 (section1-3)
We have a wide range of databases, so the computers are in great demand. 我们有一个包罗万象的资料库,所以电脑的需要量很大。2015-03-26 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第19期:Test2 (section2-3)
Pedal Power changes lives - when someone gets a bicycle from us, they see a 14% increase in their income. “骑车出行”改变了人们的生活。当有人从我们这里获得自行车时,他们的收入也会随之上涨14%。2015-04-02 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第18期:Test2 (section2-2)
At Pedal Power, we collect second hand bikes in the UK and send them to some of the poorest regions in the world. 在“骑车出行”,我们收集英国的二手自行车并发送它们到世界上的一些最穷的地区。2015-03-31 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第20期:Test2 (section3-1)
I 'd like to use this tutorial as a feedback session, where you reflect on the experience of doing the project. 我想用这次辅导作为反馈课,让你们思考一下制作的经历。2015-04-07 编辑:shaun