[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-26 听力部分(4)
当顾客购买某种产品的时候,大部分情况下他们购买的都不只是产品本身,还有产品的容器。2016-08-23 编辑:max
[托福口语TPO Task5] 托福口语TPO49 Task5:State two solutions you would
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.2016-08-23 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task6] 托福口语TPO49 Task6:Explain two disadvantages of
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two disadvantages of living in groups for animals.2016-08-23 编辑:ivy
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-27 听力部分(2)
请用课上所举例子解释说明群集智能的概念。2016-08-25 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-28 听力部分(1)
现在请听两位学生讨论这封信。2016-08-30 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-27 听力部分(4)
请用课堂上的案例解释有助于古罗马城市扩张的两项发明。2016-08-29 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-28 听力部分(2)
好了,实际上某一天我正好看到了关于这个话题的一个好例子:2016-08-31 编辑:max
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO44 Task4(阅读+题目):Scope Creep
Businesses that perform services or carry out projects for clients generally come to an agreement with their clients about the extent or scope of a project before beginning the project.2016-08-16 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task3] 托福口语TPO45 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):Close the Coffeehou
The woman expresses her opinion on the proposal to close the coffeehouse. Explain the proposal and the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.2016-08-17 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task5] 托福口语TPO45 Task5(听力+题目):The student film
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.2016-08-17 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task6] 托福口语TPO45 Task6(听力+题目):A lecture in a Marine
Using the examples of the electric eel and the knifefish, explain how producing electricity benefits certain fish.2016-08-17 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task5] 托福口语TPO46 Task5(听力+题目):The film class
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.2016-08-18 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task6] 托福口语TPO46 Task6(听力+题目):Why we may remember so
Using points and examples from the lecture, give two explanations for why we may remember some things better than others.2016-08-18 编辑:ivy
[托福口语TPO Task2] 托福口语TPO49 Task2:Sit in assigned seats or sit
Some teachers think that it is important for students to sit in assigned seats, that is, to sit in the same place every day in class.2016-08-23 编辑:ivy
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-29 听力部分(2)
现在请听生物课上关于这个话题的部分内容。2016-09-06 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-29 听力部分(3)
Listen to a conversation between two students. 请听下面两位学生的对话。2016-09-08 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-30 听力部分(3)
请听两个学生之间的谈话。2016-09-14 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-03 听力部分(1)
The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. 学校宣布了一项改革举措。在下面的对话中,该女士表达了自己对这项改革的看法。2016-04-06 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-30 听力部分(4)
当我们人类从一个地方走到另一个地方时,我们是在地球的表面移动,或者横穿地球表面。2016-09-18 编辑:max
[托福口语真题听写训练] 托福口语TPO-03 听力部分(2)
请用教授所提到的例子,解释什么是认知失调以及人们一般是怎么处理这种情况的。2016-04-07 编辑:max