[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第60期:Test4 (section4-4)
At around the same time, South Africa introduced meshing to some of its most popular swimming beaches. 同时,南非在一些受欢迎的海滩建网。2014-04-27 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第57期:Test4 (section4-1)
Today were going to look at one of my favourite fish - the shark. 今天,我们来看看我最喜欢的鱼——鲨鱼。2014-04-24 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥护理英语] 剑桥护理英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第38期:帮病人洗澡
Hello, Mrs. Kennedy. How are you this morning?早上好,Kennedy夫人,今天感觉怎么样?2016-08-17 编辑:clover
[剑桥护理英语] 剑桥护理英语(MP3+中英字幕) 第39期:如何帮病人起身
We're just going to tuck the slide sheet under you, Mrs. McKenzie.McKenzie夫人,我们现在要把滑单放到你身子下面。2016-08-23 编辑:clover
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第40期:Test3 (section4-2)
Glass is easy to recycle because it can be reused over and over again without becoming weaker. 玻璃易于循环利用,因为它可以一次次的重复使用、很坚固。2015-05-12 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思5] 剑桥雅思5真题听力 第44期:Test4 (section2-1)
Good evening everyone and thank you for coming to the Soccer Club meeting. 大家晚上好,感谢你们参加足球俱乐部会。2015-05-20 编辑:shaun
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第7期Test1(3-2)
I'd like to bring my daughter here while I'm studying. 我想在我上课的时候把我的女儿带来。2014-01-07 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第8期Test1(3-3)
It's a training resource - a collection of materials for people to study on their own,or use in their own organisations. 它是培训资源,帮助学生自学或用在他们自己的公司上的资料。2014-01-08 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第5期:Test1 (section3-1)
Excuse me, Dr Johnson. May I speak to you for a minute? Sure. Come in. 您好,约翰逊博士。我能跟您聊一会吗?当然,请进。2014-03-02 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第19期Test2(3-2)
I'd say your first two sections are spot on. 我觉得你的前两个部分非常切题。2014-01-19 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第7期:Test1 (section3-3)
Now, let’s deal with the assignment question. 现在我们来看看作业的问题。2014-03-04 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第3期Test1(1-3)
Well,we'll take your flight details so you don't need to worry too much about that. 我们会记下你的飞机详情,所以你不用为此太过担心。2014-01-03 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第8期Test1(3-1)
Well,you've both been looking at different styles of managing individuals in companies and the workplace. 你们都对公司和工作场所不同风格的个人管理进行了调查,2014-01-08 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第11期:Test1 (section4-4)
Trees can also help reduce the amount of noise in the surroundings, although the effect is not as large as people like to think. 树木还能减低周围环境的噪音,虽然不如我们想象中有效。2014-03-08 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第9期Test1(3-2)
What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are not afraid to accept the idea of responsibility. 管理者应该重视那些主导形势,敢于担当责任的员工。2014-01-09 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思6] 剑桥雅思6真题听力 第20期Test2(3-3)
Your written style is very clear and you've included lots of interesting descriptions of education in your target area. 你的写作风格很清晰,而且你描述了很多教育方面有趣的事。2014-02-01 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第11期Test1(4-1)
I'm first going to focus on the interpretation of rock are in Namibia. 首先我打算重点解释一下纳米比亚的石刻艺术。2014-01-11 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第13期Test1(4-3)
It's really dangerous in dry areas, and you can easily burn priceless undiscovered material by doing so. 这在干燥的地区很危险,而且你可能因此轻易烧毁了未发现的无价之宝。2014-01-13 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第13期:Test2 (section1-2)
Yes. You know I went to the bank to cash some travellers cheques? 是的,我去了银行兑现旅行支票。2014-03-10 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思7] 剑桥雅思7真题听力 第14期Test1(4-4)
By looking at it ,drawing it and photographing it - NEVER by touching it or even tracing it. 通过观看、绘画和拍照,绝不要碰它,甚至是描摹。2014-01-14 编辑:hoy