[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界40:香港-世界动作电影的中心
Hong Kong has for many years been the action movie capital of the world.很长一段时期里 香港都是世界动作电影的中心2014-02-26 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界41:电影必须更好地接近现实生活
For Lee, realism was everything.对他而言 真实就是一切The portrayal of his martial arts had to be as close to real life as possible.他的电影必须更好地接近现实生活2014-02-27 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界33:离开美国 征服亚洲
Having left America to make his name in the East, it was an important film for Lee.离开美国 征服亚洲 对于李小龙来说 这部片子尤为重要2014-02-19 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界34:一部弘扬民族精神的电影
And then after the final reel fade,and then they're all very happy,and they all cheer and clapping, you know.直到电影最后,人们都心满意足,他们欢呼雀跃。2014-02-20 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界35:李小龙创造的世外桃源
So instead they were proud of this mythological China,and the place that mythological China came from were movies.所以人们就只好将希望寄托在中国的古老神话中,而这古老的神话又植根于电影。2014-02-21 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界37:一次意义非凡的旅行
So this is my first time going there,traveling by bus, and I'm just really excited to see it.这真的是第一次,坐汽车去的 我激动得要死。2014-02-23 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界42:李小龙的功夫备受赞誉
Bruce Lee was renowned for doing his own stunts but would fight against stuntmen in his films.李小龙的功夫受到大家的赞誉,但在电影里他会和替身演员动真格。2014-02-28 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界38:永不言败 坚持不懈
Yu Panglin is a billionaire real estate and hotel owner and one of China's most generous philanthropists.余彭年作为房地产和酒店业的亿万富翁,同时也是中国最慷慨的慈善家之一。2014-02-24 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界43:将武术展现给世界
Lee's use of real martial arts combined with the speed and director's eye was groudbreaking.李小龙的真功夫,加上出手快速以及导演似的眼光 很具突破性。2014-03-01 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界44:来也匆匆 去也匆匆
His death sent shock waves around the world,他的离世震惊了全世界2014-03-02 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界45:李小龙只有一个
They didn't even known about it because those movies were made in Hong Kong and then set out to the world.他们自己都蒙在鼓里,因为那些电影都是由香港制作 然后向全球发行的。2014-03-03 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界46:李小龙之后的功夫大腕-成龙
Years go by, Bruce's passed away and then the Hong Kong film studio Golden Harvest wanted to do something with the film that existed from Game of Death.小龙逝世多年后 香港嘉禾影视制作组,打算续拍"死亡游戏"。2014-03-04 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界47:没人能成为李小龙
Nobody can be a Bruce Lee.There is only one Bruce Lee.没人能成为李小龙,只有一个李小龙。2014-03-05 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界48:李小龙的狂热影迷
So yes,so those Bruce Lee's movies had tremendous influence on the choice on me.所以李小龙拍的电影对我电影的安排影响非常大2014-03-06 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界49:开辟亚洲动作电影市场
And you would not have that without Bruce Lee.没有李小龙 观众就不会看到这些电影2014-03-07 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界50:李小龙对音乐的影响
So what we are doing right now, we're in the studio with the Rza.我们现在要做的 是和Rza一起在工作室工作2014-03-09 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界51:即兴说唱的兴起
One, two, three...Add the pianos.Do the four piano chords.一 二 三,加入钢琴配乐,弹下那四个和弦.2014-03-10 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界52:风格各异的舞蹈在美国兴起
Across america, numerous different dance styles emerged known to most today simply as Break Dancing.风格各异的舞蹈在美国各地兴起,如今都统称为霹雳舞。2014-03-11 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界53:作曲与武术理念的共通之处
The sound track to Enter The Dragon sold more than half a million copies,"龙争虎斗"的原声带卖出了超过50万张2014-03-12 编辑:kahn
[名人传记之李小龙] 《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界54:掀起李小龙广告热潮
The Gorillaz aren't the only artists to capitalize on Bruce Lee's image.街头顽童不是唯一利用李小龙形象的艺术家2014-03-14 编辑:kahn