[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第91期
Despite a dramatic increase in the number of people riding bicycles for recreation in Parkville, a recent report2014-12-27 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第92期
Scientists formerly believed that the rocky planets—Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars—were created by the rapid gravitational collapse of a dust cloud2014-12-28 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第93期
In the early twentieth century, the idea that pianists should be musician-scholars whose playing reflected the2014-12-29 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第94期
Since the 1980s, experts have been claiming that the skill demands of today’s jobs have outstripped the skills workers possess.2015-01-07 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第95期
Although it is intuitively clear that an increase in antipredator behavior lowers an animal's risk of predation when predators are present2015-01-08 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第96期
X-ray examination of a recently discovered painting—judged by some authorities to be a self-portrait by Vincent2015-01-09 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第97期
What causes a helix in nature to appear with either a dextral (right-handed, or clockwise) twist or a sinistral2015-01-10 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第98期
The massive influx of women cyclists—making up at least a third of the total market— was perhaps the most striking2015-01-11 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第99期
Supernovas in the Milky Way are the likeliest source for most of the cosmic rays reaching Earth.2015-01-12 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第100期
The plant called the scarlet gilia can have either red or white flowers. It had long been thought that hummingbirds2015-01-13 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第101期
Frederick Douglass was unquestionably the most famous African American of the nineteenth century; indeed, when he died in 1895 he was among the most distinguished public figures in the United States2015-01-14 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第102期
In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the response commonly known as goose bumps, and this response is widely considered2015-01-15 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读每日一题] GRE阅读理解(Barron模考)每日一题 第103期
While the best sixteenth-century Renaissance scholars mastered the classics of ancient Roman literature in the original Latin and understood them in their original historical context2015-01-16 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] 简析GRE考试阅读复习中的注意事项
接下来小编为考生简析GRE考试阅读复习中的注意事项。新GRE阅读的复习中考生需要注意一些问题,这些问题也是考生在准备GRE阅读理解时必须警惕的2015-01-13 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] GRE考试阅读复习的建议汇总
如何做好新GRE阅读的复习工作,这是所有考生共同关心的大问题。GRE阅读理解在整个考试中有很大的分值,所以考生的很多精力都花在了做阅读上2015-01-13 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] GRE考试阅读中生僻词的解决方法
很多考生反映自己在做GRE阅读理解时不时遇到一些看不懂或是不理解的单词,给自己的阅读造成很大的干扰。大面积的看不懂考生就要多背单词了2015-01-14 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] GRE考试中阅读难句的语法讲解
考生在做GRE阅读理解时难免会遇到一些看不懂的长难句,这些句子的出现增加了文章的难度,也让考生感到手足无措,不知道接下来该怎么进行GRE阅读理解2015-01-14 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] 介绍GRE考试阅读做题方法之排除法
排除法是现阶段解决新GRE阅读比较有效的方法之一,很多考生在完成GRE阅读理解时通过排除法达到自己预期的效果。小编在此就为考生介绍GRE考试阅读做题方法之排除法。2015-01-15 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] 简析GRE考试阅读的命题规律
新GRE阅读有哪些命题规律?规律的掌握对完成好考试至关重要,同样新GRE阅读的规律掌握也是考生需要认真准备的,在GRE阅读理解中考生必须对阅读的规律有个大致的了解2015-01-15 编辑:mike
[GRE阅读辅导] GRE考试阅读主旨题有哪些特点
在新GRE阅读中,有一类问题值得大家关注,就是主旨题的理解。GRE阅读理解中,主旨题和细节题都是考察的重点,也是出题率很高的题型。2015-01-16 编辑:mike