[阅读专题] 端午节专题——陶醉棕香深处,弘扬传统文化
端午的前世今生 The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar. 端午节是古老的传统节日,始2010-06-13 编辑:francie
[双语达人] 据说有一种女人嫁给谁都能幸福
会踏实过日子有一种女人,不管她嫁的是建筑工人还是国会议员,她都有能力让自己过得幸福!幸福能力1 会做菜,会煲汤,会踏实过日子Can do housework and live at ease少纠结于小事幸福能力2 对婚姻别期望太高,少抱2009-10-30 编辑:vicki
[双语达人] 时尚双语:研究显示:男人和美女聊天时智商会降低
The research shows men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find2009-11-02 编辑:vicki