[时事新闻] '五一'假期国内出游1.6亿人次
China sees 160m domestic tourist trips during May Day holiday2022-05-07 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 禽流感疫情持续扩散 法国米其林餐厅遭遇“鹅肝酱危机”
Michelin menus in turmoil as France faces foie gras crisis2022-05-10 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 上海重点企业复工率超过70%
Shanghai's major enterprises resume production2022-05-10 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 缺货率高达40%!美国婴幼儿奶粉危机引发恐慌
US faces baby formula 'crisis' as shortage worsens2022-05-12 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 尹锡悦宣誓就任韩国总统
Yoon sworn in as S. Korea's new president2022-05-16 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 上海将分阶段推进复商复市
Shanghai to start gradual reopening2022-05-18 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 上海16个区全部实现社会面清零
Shanghai cuts off community transmission of COVID-192022-05-20 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 美国得州校园枪击案21人遇难,该州总检察长建议给教师配枪
For Texas conservatives, armed teachers are a solution to school shootings2022-05-27 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 美国医疗补助扩员计划即将终止 数百万民众或将失去医保
Millions risk losing US healthcare when Covid emergency declaration expires2022-05-30 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 国办印发新污染物治理行动方案
China steps up efforts to control new pollutants2022-05-31 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 加拿大将立法禁止进口、买卖和运输手枪
Handguns: Canada proposes complete freeze on ownership2022-06-01 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 关键在青年——记习主席重返塔科马之旅
Xi's trips to Washington state deepen ties, knowledge2022-06-01 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 世卫组织:全球30个国家和地区报告550多例猴痘病例
More than 550 monkeypox cases have been reported in 30 countries, WHO official says2022-06-02 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 我国首部湿地保护法正式施行
Wetland protection law takes effect2022-06-07 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 世界最大规模:英国开始试行四天工作制
The world's biggest four-day work week pilot begins2022-06-08 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 2022年全国高考拉开大幕
College entrance exam begins as scheduled2022-06-09 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 故宫恢复开放按75%限流
Palace Museum reopens2022-06-10 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 全国'三夏'麦收进度过半
China reaps bumper summer harvest2022-06-14 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 习近平的澳洲之行:拉近了两国人民的心
President's trip to Australia joined hearts, minds2022-06-15 编辑:sophie
[时事新闻] 我国十年培养650多万名硕士研究生
China adds 6.5m master's graduates over 10 years2022-06-17 编辑:sophie