[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第125期:Queen visits the BBC
The Queen first visited Broadcasting House in 1939. Back then she was a young princess, accompanying her father King George VI and her mother, Queen Elizabeth. Fourteen years later she was crowned.2013-06-18 编辑:Andersen
[2013年6月BBC新闻 ] BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:巴西抗议世界杯高昂花费
巴西的抗议活动仍在继续。示威者在东北部城市福塔雷萨一场国际足球赛前与警方发生冲突。2013-06-23 编辑:qihui
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第126期:Nelson Mandela remains in hospi
As the world's media gathered in Pretoria, where Nelson Mandela is being treated for a recurrent lung infection, there's been no fresh information about his health status.2013-06-24 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第144期:Goal-line technology
As expected, the Premier League gave final approval for the use of goal-line technology and it will act as a guinea pig for Europe's other big leagues, who are not yet convinced.2013-06-25 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第145期:Drug-resistant malaria
Artemisinin is a frontline drug in the fight against malaria. It's used around the world, and can clear the infection in just a few days.2013-06-26 编辑:Andersen
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第127期:Czech PM resigns
The scandal reads like the script of a European television thriller, melding politics with human drama.2013-06-27 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第146期:The secret to a longer life
The hypothalamus is a small structure located deep within the brain. It plays a critical role in controlling growth, reproduction and metabolism - but now it could hold the key to ageing too.2013-06-28 编辑:Andersen
[2013年6月BBC新闻 ] BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:美最高法院裁决支持同性婚姻
奥巴马总统对美国最高法院一项裁决表示欢迎,该裁决宣布歧视同性恋夫妻的法律无效。在里程碑式的裁决中,大法官们推翻了拒绝认可同性恋婚姻的《婚姻保护法》。2013-06-30 编辑:qihui
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第147期:Welcome home, gnomes
People either love them or hate them – garden gnomes, those little figurines of men with their pointy, red hats and white beards,2013-07-01 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第148期:Second jewel theft at Cannes
Lightning never strikes twice, they say. But apparently jewel thieves do, especially, it seems, at famous French film festivals.2013-07-02 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第149期:Chimpanzee tantrums
The Duke University team designed two games - one to test patience and the other assessing risk-taking.2013-07-03 编辑:Andersen
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第128期:Smoke chokes Singapore
Singapore says its citizens should remain indoors if they can - cautioning that the thick smog that has blanketed the island could go on until the dry season ends in Sumatra in September.2013-07-05 编辑:Andersen
[2013年7月BBC新闻 ] BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:埃及军方罢免总统穆尔西
埃及军方罢免了国家第一位民主选举的领袖,穆罕默德·穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)。军方首脑宣布暂停宪法,最高法院院长将暂行总统职权。2013-07-07 编辑:qihui
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第129期:North Korean town gets World He
Kaesong is one of the few historical sites open to tourists that's not specifically linked to the Kim family that has ruled North Korea since independence.2013-07-08 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第139期:Beckham to help Chinese footbal
David Beckham says he's 'honoured' and 'excited' by this new role, as part-time global ambassador for Chinese football. It could be one of his toughest yet.2013-06-03 编辑:Andersen
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第130期:Chile school protests
The police launched the raids in the early hours of the morning, clearing away chairs and tables that the pupils had used to barricade themselves inside.2013-07-09 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第150期:Life's essentials
For Baloo the bear in The Jungle Book, it was honey, ants, paw paws and prickly pears.2013-07-10 编辑:Andersen
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第131期:Croatia enters the European Uni
As the clock struck midnight, the anthem of the European Union rang out across Zagreb's main square and at last Croatia completed its journey from combat zone of the former Yugoslavia to member ..2013-07-11 编辑:Andersen
[商业词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第14期:Building a better future
This discussion paper says the antidote to fears about resources is what's known as material efficiency; that's making the things we want, but with less material.2013-07-12 编辑:Jasmine
[2013年7月BBC新闻 ] BBC双语新闻讲解附字幕:印尼监狱百余名囚犯越狱
至少150名囚犯从苏门答腊岛棉兰市一所印度尼西亚监狱逃跑。这次越狱发生在一场暴动期间,官员称是由于断电引起自来水供应不足。2013-07-14 编辑:qihui