[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-鸟儿》第5集:世界上最笨重的鸟儿
这些鹈鹕是世上最笨重的飞鸟,最多重达十公斤,V字队形是最省力的飞行方式,为后面的鸟儿大幅降低阻力。2013-08-27 编辑:finn
[商业词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第19期:China green industries
China is the world's biggest polluter. But toxic smog in its cities is increasingly generating enormous public anger.2013-08-22 编辑:Andersen
[商业词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第18期:Detroit goes bankrupt
The birthplace of mass production, 'Motor City', has thrown in the towel.2013-07-29 编辑:Andersen
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第153期:Sound of Music auction
There was intense interest in the iconic costumes as they went under the hammer. Potential buyers, gathered in a Los Angeles auction house, faced competition from bidders on the phone and the intern..2013-08-12 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-鸟儿》第6集:葵花凤头鹦鹉
褐色园丁鸟,它或许没有亮丽的羽毛,却有绕梁三日的歌声,还是个模仿天王。2013-08-28 编辑:finn
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-鸟儿》第7集:求偶的竞争对手
这宏伟的设计可不是鸟巢,而是引诱雌鸟终极展览厅,但这片山坡还有别的褐色园丁鸟,附近还有六个竟争对手。2013-08-29 编辑:finn
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第155期:China: Celebrities to promote v
Lu Wei's comments appear to have been provoked by an incident last month in which a popular Chinese singer, Wu Hongfei, was arrested after she published a message threatening to blow up a local ..2013-08-30 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-鸟儿》第8集:最漂亮的园丁鸟
我想藏身篷可能放错地方了,因为海水不断从帐篷底部涌进来,我己经在那个小箱子里面待了十一个小时。2013-09-01 编辑:finn
[BBC新闻词汇视频讲解] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第64期:Thatcher's legacy
Behind the smile, a tough leader. With steely determination, Margaret Thatcher sent a task force to re-take the Falklands, or the Malvinas, from Argentina in 1982.2013-09-02 编辑:Andersen
[2013年9月BBC新闻 ] BBC双语讲解附字幕:美军事基地枪击案主犯被判死刑
在美国,军事法庭判处2009年枪杀13名士兵的陆军心理医生死刑。检控官表示,伊斯兰教信徒哈桑(Nidal Hasan)在德克萨斯州胡德堡陆军基地向士兵开枪。2013-09-01 编辑:qihui
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-鸟儿》第9集:求偶的竞争对手
鸟类世界最令人惊叹的奇观,褐色园丁鸟的表演舞台,我很幸运能亲眼目睹这些杰出的建筑师大展身手。2013-09-02 编辑:finn
[体育科学文化娱乐词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第156期:World Athletics Championships
Usain Bolt's brief address appreciated by his audience inside the Luzhniki stadium, where the atmosphere significantly improved after a flat opening few days. People came in relatively large num..2013-09-03 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-昆虫》第1集:昆虫的奥秘
地球上昆虫的种类比其他动物加起来还多,但因为昆虫非常渺小,我们很少发现它们有多独特。2013-09-03 编辑:finn
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-昆虫》第2集:甲虫
世界上有许多不同的甲虫,但这种甲虫长了数一数二的大颚,这是一只智利长牙锹形虫。2013-09-04 编辑:finn
[BBC新闻词汇视频讲解] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第65期:Lab-grown organ breakthroug
In this jar, hope for many who need a transplant.In a Boston laboratory, a rat kidney has been stripped of its cells, leaving just this white scaffold.2013-09-04 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-昆虫》第7集:勤劳的工蜂
蜜蜂似乎吃了败仗,它们的家园被毁,幼蜂免不了会死在外头,但蜂群的气数未尽。2013-09-09 编辑:finn
[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇 第139期:Manning given 35 years for leak
Bradley Manning showed little emotion when his sentence was read out, as some of his supporters in the room burst into tears.2013-09-05 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-昆虫》第3集:自动送上门的伴侣
这只雄蛾不必寻找雌蛾,它张开一对从腹部末端,突出的芳香羽毛,雌蛾就自动送上门来。2013-09-05 编辑:finn
[BBC新闻词汇视频讲解] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第66期:Subbuteo revival
Fingers at the ready! This was the football game of a generation.But fans of Subbuteo gave it the red card when computer games arrived on the scene.2013-09-06 编辑:Andersen
[《生命Life》记录片] BBC纪录片《Life-昆虫》第4集:帝王斑蝶
冬眠的蝴蝶是掠食动物眼中的肥羊,但帝王斑蝶带有毒性,不过有些鸟儿,学会扯掉有毒的部分。2013-09-06 编辑:finn