[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:“人靓心更靓”让癌症患者乐观生活
许多做化疗的癌症患者不仅要与病魔作斗争,还要应对治疗本身的副作用。研究发现脱发和皮肤损伤能影响癌症患者的自尊和与疾病做斗争的勇气。现在,一个名为“人靓心更靓”的项目开始帮助患者美化自己。2013-03-04 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:乡村歌手蒂姆·麦格罗的新专辑
Country star Tim McGraw spent the past few years battling in court to end his career-long relationship with Curb Records. McGraw is finally on a new record label with a new CD.2013-03-05 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:柏林墙拆除引发抗议
柏林墙是冷战最具代表性的遗迹,它是1961年共产东德为阻止公民进入西柏林而建。但如今,这堵曾经绵延整个德国首都的墙已几乎荡然无存。2013-03-05 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:叙利亚政府军使用子母弹袭击平民
一月下旬在叙利亚Azaz镇,叙利亚政府军使用使用了被武器专家称之为极端致命的武器。居民称一架飞机向该镇郊区的这个社区投下了9枚大型子母弹。2013-03-06 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:德克萨斯骑牛比赛努力减少竞技危险
Rodeo, which features bull riding, steer wrestling and bucking bronco rides, is considered one of the world's most dangerous sports.2013-03-07 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:报告称走私大猩猩现象堪忧
It’s estimated at least 3,000 great apes are illegally seized and sold every year. For every ape that is captured alive, many others are slaughtered.2013-03-07 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:缅甸面包厂帮助弱势女性学烘焙技术
A group of bakers in Burma's former capital, Rangoon, is seeking to help disadvantaged women with training that goes beyond making bread and pastries.2013-03-07 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:女性基督徒希望梵蒂冈进行改革
As Roman Catholic cardinals from around the world gather for a conclave in Rome, and pilgrims watch for the white smoke that heralds a new pope, some Catholics are pushing for more progressive actio..2013-03-07 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:非洲艾滋病预防实验失败
A large-scale HIV prevention trial among African women has yielded disappointing results. But the outcome may be more the fault of behavior than the prevention methods used in the study.2013-03-06 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:美国小餐车带来的的大利润
In recent years food trucks have proliferated in big U.S. cities. As the popularity of the mobile kitchen continues to grow, a small business in the Washington D.C. suburbs is also profiting.2013-03-06 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:拜登称美国在伊朗核问题上并非虚张声势
Vice President Joe Biden says the United States is not bluffing about its determination to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.2013-03-06 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速双语新闻附字幕:医生称心脏病大多都可预防
心脏病也是男性死亡的主要原因,世卫组织报告称,每年死于心脏病的人数比其他任何死因都要多。世卫组织称因心血管疾病而死亡的人中60%以上发生在低收入和中等收入国家,该组织称心脏病仍在蔓延。2013-03-07 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:女性在维和行动中发挥日益重大作用
在以色列和黎巴嫩边境线上,负责巡逻的联合国女性维和人员发挥了重要作用。2013-03-08 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:委内瑞拉与伊朗的长期友谊
委内瑞拉总统查韦斯周二去世,正是他不顾西方制裁,发展了本国与伊朗的亲密友谊。2013-03-08 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:援助机构称世界已忘记达尔富尔冲突
Aid agencies say the international community has forgotten about the war and the millions of refugees forced from their homes, as attention has turned to the Arab Spring.2013-03-09 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:南非承诺强力解决强奸问题
South Africa is often called the “rape capital of the world.” This year, as the world celebrates International Women’s Day, South Africans are mobilizing to end this horrifying trend.2013-03-09 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:委内瑞拉与美国关系可能发生改变
The death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is raising questions about what happens next in Venezuela, both internally and with its relations to other nations, including the United States.2013-03-09 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:新教皇的牧师袍已经制成
Not far from Vatican City, there’s a street in downtown Rome where the shops sell everything a priest - or even a pope - might need to minister to his flock.2013-03-10 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:新任国务卿克里的首次外交访问
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s first trip abroad last week made news on a couple of issues, but largely covered familiar ground with longtime U.S. allies in Europe and the Middle East.2013-03-10 编辑:Sunny
[2013年3月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:行业领袖看到美国燃油的多样化趋势
The boom in natural gas and oil production in the United States has changed the outlook for energy worldwide.2013-03-11 编辑:Sunny