[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:印度新生儿死亡率世界最高
A new report by Save the Children finds that India leads the world in the highest number of babies dying within the first 24 hours of their birth, more than 300,000 a year.2013-05-14 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):科学家寻找隐藏的坟墓
研究者正在开发一种用来发现隐藏墓穴的技术,他们称这将有助于找到孤单的谋杀受害者或战争遇难者墓群中的遗骨。2013-05-16 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:中非帮助上帝抵抗军重组
The rebel takeover in the Central African Republic has stalled international efforts to track down the outlaw Lord's Resistance Army (LAR) and its leader Joseph Kony, who is wanted by the Intern..2013-05-16 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:波士顿吸引游客前来旅游
Today we talk about the city of Boston, Massachusetts. Boston has been in the news recently because of the two bombs that exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15.2013-05-16 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):宇航员在空间站研究失重环境问题
加拿大宇航员克里斯·赫菲特最近在太空站呆了近五个月,他现在正在调节离开地球后的生活。2013-05-17 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:网络威胁成为北约头等关心大事
The departing top NATO military commander has listed cyber security as the number one challenge for the coming years.2013-05-15 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美国对班加西遇袭案或将进行更多调查
就在对班加西袭击案的调查似乎开始之时,ABC新闻称从获得的邮件得知,国务院编辑管理机构谈到要低调处理恐怖分子在此事中的牵连,当时4名美国人在袭击中身亡。2013-05-15 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:韩国的最近观光火车路线
South Korea's national railroad operator has initiated two new lines. They are intended to give passengers a chance to re-explore a scenic rural region whose glory faded amid the decline of the ..2013-05-15 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:医生称朱莉切乳腺不适用于每个人
Actress and U.N. goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie is in the spotlight for her decision to undergo a double mastectomy to reduce her chances of getting breast cancer, even though she is cancer free.2013-05-17 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:2012年3200万人因自然灾难流离失所
A new report says more than 32-million people were forced to flee their homes in 2012 due to natural disasters.2013-05-15 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:弗拉门戈乐队在阿拉伯和伊斯兰中的影响
In a nation of immigrants, with a 'melting pot' culture, it should not be surprising that American music is also an international blend.2013-05-17 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:美国绿卡乐透面临威胁
The popular Green Card Lottery program could be eliminated if the U.S. Congress passes the current version of the bipartisan immigration reform plan. The lottery was set up as a way to give anyone a..2013-05-18 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:埃及西奈半岛在革命后更加混乱
Egypt's Sinai peninsula has grown increasingly lawless since the revolution, with officials bringing new accusations the region is home to terrorist training camps.2013-05-19 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):科学家努力彻底根除疟疾
在过去十年间,药物青蒿素将全球的疟疾死亡率降低了25%以上。但目前在东南亚,这种药物已经失效。世卫组织申英秀博士警告说,如果抗药性继续增强,将会产生严重问题。2013-05-20 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:叙利亚危机波及邻国
The conflict in Syria is taking a steep toll on its neighbors.2013-05-20 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:中国增加在尼泊尔的投资
In recent years, Nepal has deepened its already strong ties with China - some say to counter its reliance on India for aid and investment.2013-05-20 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:发展中国家投资有望增加
The developing world is poised to become a major player in global investment. The World Bank says in fewer than 20 years half the global stock of capital will be in developing countries.2013-05-20 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):人类对全球水系统的影响
科学家称人类开始对全球水系统造成重大破坏,一个新的地质时期由此开始了。他们警告说,1.1万年前只是冰川消退,现在可能开始整个地球范围的转变。2013-05-21 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:美国中西部茶党活动人士的愤怒
Tea Party-affiliated activists in the Midwestern United States say they are outraged, but not surprised, by revelations that the tax-collecting arm of the U.S. government has been unfairly scrutiniz..2013-05-21 编辑:Sunny
[2013年5月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻附字幕:美国军方呼吁将性虐视为严重罪行
Top U.S. military officials have vowed to root out sexual abuse, a persistent problem in all branches of the armed forces.2013-05-21 编辑:Sunny