[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:美国议员将对医改法案进行预算辩论
President Obama, the United States Congress and the American people face another federal budget dispute this month. We talk about one part of the debate that could shut down the government.2013-09-07 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:维吉尼亚贫困儿童获得学习用品
On the show today, we play new music from two singer-songwriters.We also tell about a campaign to collect school supplies for needy children.2013-09-08 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:智能手机毁掉音乐会体验吗?
Smartphones are ruining the concert-going experience. So says Andy Greene of Rolling Stone magazine. He says he realized what a problem smartphones were becoming during a concert by singer-songwrite..2013-09-08 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:中国和费城管弦乐队
Today we will explore the power of music. In Jerusalem, drummers use music to make historical and spiritual connections. And in China, a visit by American musicians helped to shape international pol..2013-09-09 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-词汇掌故] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):大快活与罪恶之城
路易斯安那的新奥尔良的别名可能比美国任何城市的别名都要多,一网站上列举了20多个别名,最有名的是“大快活”,它形容了新奥尔良温和、缓慢和轻松的生活方式。2013-09-08 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-时事新闻] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美参议院通过对叙利亚动武的提议
本周,美国参议院委员会通过投票支持美军对叙利亚可能的军事打击。2013-09-09 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-词汇掌故] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):词汇典故—"兄弟之爱"和豆城
几乎每个美国城市都有别名,这些别名帮助确立城市特性,还在市民间传播团结和自豪。2013-09-10 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:来自极端分子的威胁日益加剧
Today, we tell about the struggle facing Iraq and other countries to care for the thousands of refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria.2013-09-11 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-科学报道] VOA慢速附字幕:海洋风暴造成的大破坏
Today we tell about the science of severe ocean storms. Severe storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.2013-09-12 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-科技报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):非洲吸引高科技公司建立基地
非洲已成为高科技产品日益发展壮大的市场,很快就成为更多高科技公司的基地。2013-09-11 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-农业报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美国各地兴起城市农场
在美国各地,农民们涌向未使用的城市空地和旧地产。这些城市农场在人们很少能买到新鲜水果和蔬菜的地方种植作物,也有能力改变人们的饮食,并能影响受困扰的社区。2013-09-12 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:气温上升导致更多火灾发生
On our show today, we hear from two weather experts. We hear from one scientist who gets close to tornadoes to learn more about the destructive storms.2013-09-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-健康报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):世卫组织敦促各国加强医疗支持
世界卫生组织称每个人都应该在不必冒着破产的危险获得医疗服务的权利。世卫组织一份新报告敦促各国满足本国公民特殊需要的医疗服务。2013-09-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:俄罗斯将限制斯诺登的言论
Then we hear from some health experts about the dangers of toxic wastes in developing countries. If you suspect there are poisons near your home, what can you do?2013-09-14 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-建国史话] VOA慢速附字幕:建国史话—有关各州权利的问题
Last week in our series, we talked about the election of 1828. General Andrew Jackson defeated President John Quincy Adams, after a campaign in which both sides made strong and bitter accusations.2013-09-14 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-美国万花筒] VOA慢速附字幕:美国穆斯林音乐家
On the show today, we play unlucky music in honor of Friday the 13th!We also tell about a Muslim American rapper who sings about Jesus.2013-09-15 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:街头摄影家记录城市生活和艺术
we begin with a report from Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles is one of the most famous cities in the world, thanks to Hollywood.2013-09-16 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:全世界对肉食、奶、蛋的需求增加
Today on our program, we hear about a group that works to reconnect people to the land and to honor local farmers.2013-09-17 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-经济报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):叙利亚经济受冲突影响
她说在这样一个受内摧残的国家,旧大马士革的香料市场很不寻常,叙利亚军队正在打击得到叛军支持的周边城镇。但在大马士革中心,生意还不错。2013-09-23 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:科学家努力修复早期照片
Today we tell about the efforts of scientists in the United States to help save early photographs from being lost forever.2013-09-18 编辑:Sunny