[VOA慢速-科学报道] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:污染危害两亿人的健康
Today we will tell you about a new report on pollution. It says pollution problems are threatening the health of up to 200 million people worldwide.2014-01-12 编辑:sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:联合国援助机构苦于帮助南苏丹流民
Today we hear how the United Nations refugee agency is dealing with the large number of displaced people in the world's newest nation, South Sudan.2014-01-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:野火的危害及巨大损失
Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Greece, and the United States ...those are just a few places where huge wildfires have been a problem in recent years.2014-01-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:科罗拉多州正式将大麻销售合法化
Most economic experts say the United States is experiencing an economic recovery following the financial crisis that began five years ago.2014-01-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-经济报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):联邦储备新主席上任
美国央行的面貌改变了,参议院证实珍妮特·耶伦将执掌联邦储备委员会,她将是美国央行100年历史中首位女领导人。2014-01-11 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-词汇掌故] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):表示左右为难的成语
做决定是必要的,但并不都很容易,有很多表达都讲述做决定的困难。2014-01-13 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-美国万花筒] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:为新博物馆而进行的福音音乐恢复计划
America's Smithsonian Institution plans to add some rare music recordings to a new Smithsonian museum in Washington, DC.2014-01-14 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):治疗营养不良儿童的新建议
世卫组织官员将严重急性营养不良定义为超轻体重和严重消瘦,称有近2000万五岁以下儿童有此症状,据悉这些孩子大多生活在非洲和东南亚。2014-01-14 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:非洲恐怖主义依然很猖獗
Today we report from Africa on how the continent is dealing with the growing threat of terrorism.2014-01-15 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-健康报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):低成本检测疟疾感染的新设备
研究者开发出一种医疗设备,据悉能发现人体中的疟疾感染。这种激光束扫描器是首个无需进入人体就能识别出这种有时可能致命的疾病,这种化验无痛,无需抽血,看来每次化验的结果都是正确的。2014-01-16 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-农业报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):FDA限制部分抗生素的使用
美国监管部门要求抗生素制药厂告诉农场主停止对牲畜使用某些药物,抗生素是用来对付细菌和感染的。2014-01-15 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:小店铺也能有大作为
Many small, family-owned businesses in the United States are struggling to survive. Along with the sluggish economy, they face competition from big box chain stores and restaurants.2014-01-16 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-教育报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):尼日利亚大学罢课后重新开门
劳工组织大学学术人员联盟12月暂停了罢课,结束这次罢课的部分协议包括政府承诺每年对大学建筑和设备投资数十亿美元,这笔资金将在未来五年用。2014-01-17 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:印度不再对妇女暴力保持沉默
On our program today, we travel to India to learn about changing conditions for the nation's millions of girls and women.2014-01-20 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:科学家称气候变化真实存在
Today we tell about a United Nations report on the environment. It says 2013 may have been one of the 10 warmest years since modern recordkeeping began.2014-01-20 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-词汇掌故] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):细节决定成败
每台机器都是由螺丝和螺母拧在一起的,没有螺丝和螺母,机器就会散架。一个组织也是如此,一个组织的nuts and bolts是其基本必要的元素,是维持组织运转的组成部分。2014-01-20 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:历史上的今天-马丁·路德·金生日
January 15 marks the birth date of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Junior. Mr. King was the son of a Baptist clergyman in Atlanta, Georgia.2014-01-21 编辑:sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速附字幕:给新妈妈提供避孕帮助
Birth control is the subject there. We will have information about a program that aims to help recent mothers to keep from becoming pregnant again too quickly.2014-01-21 编辑:sunny
[VOA慢速-建国史话] VOA慢速附字幕:美国史话—罗斯福新政的结束
By the middle of the nineteen thirties, America seemed to be moving out of the worst depression in its history. Most people supported the "New Deal" policies of President Franklin Delano Roo..2014-01-22 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-科技报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):2014电子产品展上的新技术
在内华达州拉斯维加斯的国际消费者电子展上,你能看到所有最新的科技产品。这个展会在一月初举行,对科技爱好者和产品制造商等来说是一盛会。2014-01-21 编辑:sunny