[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:在黎巴嫩的叙利亚难民缺少食物和教育
More and more flee across the border every day. The United Nations is concerned about the limited food aid it can provide the refugees. And it says most refugee children are receiving little or no e..2014-02-23 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:乔治·华盛顿故居弗农山庄
February 22nd marks the birthday anniversary of the country's first president. Come celebrate the event with us on a visit to Mount Vernon, Washington's home in Virginia.2014-02-20 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-科技报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):纽约追求生物科技之梦
纽约市和纽约州正投资美元,在高科技行业发展中发挥重要作用,并推出40个被称为孵化器的工作空间来帮助新兴企业。2014-02-26 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速英语附字幕:黄金在刚果民主共和国冲突的意义
Today on the program, some nations are attempting to cut links between the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and eastern Congo's mineral exports.2014-02-27 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速英语附字幕:世界数字图书馆的藏品
But first, we hear about a place right here on planet Earth where you can find images and recordings from all over the world. In fact, it currently has nearly 9,900 items from 80 different countries..2014-02-27 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-词汇掌故] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):你听说过"金科玉律"吗?
沃尔特:虽然你这么说,但我们的厨房堆满了罐头食品和瓶瓶罐罐,而且过去的一年里我们烹制的一直是半成品。2014-02-25 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:在公交车上学习科学知识
Today on the program, we report on a new device for quadriplegics -- people who have lost control of their bodies from the neck down. Not every part of their body is paralyzed.2014-02-28 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-教育报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):母子同心帮助索马里战胜贫困
赛哈农·穆罕迈德从未在索马里居住过,但这名21岁的学生却帮助成立了一个为这个东非国家提供援助项目组织。2014-03-01 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-经济报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美国帮助津巴布韦解决粮食短缺
美国最近回应了该呼吁,美国驻津巴布韦大使布鲁斯·沃顿宣布向世界粮食署提供400万美元的拨款,这样美国向津巴布韦提供的对抗饥饿援助今年已达到2900万美元。2014-03-03 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速英语附字幕:联合国敦促非洲国家保护性权利
On the show today we go to a conference in Cameroon. Delegates are seeking an end to sexual abuse and the establishment of reproductive rights for all Africans.2014-03-04 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-美国万花筒] VOA慢速英语附字幕:本届奥斯卡获奖名单
Each year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents the Academy Awards in Los Angeles, California. The awards are called Oscars. They are the top honors in the American film industry.2014-03-04 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速英语附字幕:埃塞俄比亚减少三分之二的儿童死亡率
the United Nations' Children's Fund recently praised Ethiopia for reaching one of the Millennium Development Goals on child survival.2014-03-04 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:栽种防风带来保护作物
Soil conservation methods help farmers protect their land from the damage caused by farming and the forces of nature. One method of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks.2014-03-05 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-新闻杂志] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:委内瑞拉总统想办法对付抗议
In today's show, we report on events in Venezuela. Protests there against the government of President Nicolas Maduro have turned deadly.2014-03-05 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-健康报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):加州科学家想办法对付蚊子
在全世界很多地方,蚊子的声音都意味着麻烦。被蚊子叮咬可能会致命,这种虫子携带疟疾等严重疾病。2014-02-28 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:美国民乐的演化史
This week on our program, we explore American folk music, the music of the people. Our musical guide is Barbara Klein. Come along with us, and sing along any time you like!2014-03-05 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-农业报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):科学家改善非洲作物营养
非洲的一些作物可能很快发生改变,一家名为非洲孤生作物协会的组织称这些作物没有得到足够的重视,认为它们可以帮助减缓非洲的饥饿并改善营养。2014-03-06 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-农业报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美国西部大旱或将影响全球粮价
美国西部目前严重缺少江水,这种极端干旱的气候条件被称作大旱。干旱区包括最大的州加州,美国人消费的很多水果和蔬菜都产自这里。2014-02-20 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-健康报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):巴基斯坦的脊髓灰质炎现状
世界卫生组织宣布巴基斯坦城市白沙瓦是全世界最大的脊髓灰质炎病毒来源地,世卫官员担心,除非立即采取措施阻止这种疾病的蔓延,否则巴基斯坦人将面临旅行限制。2014-02-21 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-教育报道] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):教育质量差给非洲带来的损失
最近全球一直努力确保非洲儿童能获得良好的教育,但一份新报告称政府每年都因糟糕的教育质量损失约1290亿美元,结果,贫困国家每四个学生就有一个不能完整地阅读句子,有约1.75亿这样的学生。2014-02-22 编辑:Sunny