[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:艾未未华盛顿召开首次个人艺术展,缅怀汶川大地震年幼亡灵
Chinese Artist-Activist Holds First Retrospective in US中国艺术家首次在美国举办回顾展Ai Weiwei is known for his collaboration on the design&2012-10-18 编辑:Jasmine
[经济] VOA视频:"农场餐桌"为你提供最新鲜的食物
Serving Farm-Fresh Meals at the Farm农场餐桌在农场为你提供美食Farm to Table refers to a movement promoting locally grown food which&n2012-10-22 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:卢森堡王子的皇室婚礼
Luxembourg's Heir to Throne Weds Belgian Countess卢森堡继承人与比利时伯爵夫人完婚Luxembourg's Prince Guillaume has married Belgian Countess Ste2012-10-23 编辑:Jasmine
[教育] VOA视频:前苏联解体后英语明显地位上升
English Dethrones Russian as Top Foreign language in Ex-Soviet Georgia前苏联解体后英语明显地位上升Twenty years ago, in the 12 non-Slavic&nb2012-10-24 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:电子舞曲逐步走进主流音乐领域
Electronic Dance Music Bounds Into Mainstream电子舞曲成为主流音乐When the American Music Awards present their top honors November 18,&n2012-10-25 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:美国农场种植迷宫玉米地
Farmers Cultivate Harvest-time Entertainments种植迷宫玉米地Growing food is the main job of agriculture. But in the United States,&nb2012-10-26 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:华盛顿健身馆,将健身与大选联系起来
Through debates, speeches, conventions, and television and radio commercials, American presidential candidates spend countless&nb2012-10-29 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:新片登录,生死轮回《云图集》
Cloud Atlas: A Tale of Birth, Death and Re-Birth《云图》:一个关于生生死死,死死生生的传说Cloud Atlas by directors Tom Tykwer, Lana Wachowski,&nbs2012-10-30 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪席卷美国东海岸
Hurricane Sandy Batters East Coast of US飓风桑迪席卷美国东海岸A massive storm is threatening 50 million people living along the&nbs2012-10-31 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭两天
After Sandy, Wall Street Closed for 2nd Day飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭A day after Hurricane Sandy caused severe flooding and power 2012-11-01 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪造成纽约市强降水,经济区域关闭
Low-Lying Areas of New York City Suffer Flooding纽约市低洼地段积水严重Hurricane Sandy brought heavy rain and high winds, leaving ma2012-11-02 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过境,纽约部分地区一片狼藉
NY Residents Struggling to Recover from Superstorm Sandy超级飓风桑迪过境,纽约市民积极自救Nearly a week after Hurricane Sandy slammed into New2012-11-05 编辑:Jasmine
[科技] VOA视频:考古爱好者收集恐龙脚印化石,华盛顿曾是恐龙窝?
Amateur Dinosaur Tracker Uncovers Some of World's Rarest Fossils业余化石爱好者发现国宝级稀有化石Many Washingtonians would have difficulty relating&2012-11-06 编辑:Jasmine
[科技] VOA视频:飓风桑迪是全球气候变化征兆?
Hurricane Sandy Reignites Climate Change Debate飓风桑迪引发环境变化辩论The devastation to New York City and the eastern seaboard of2012-11-07 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过后,一方有难八方捐助
Government, Private Groups Active in Stricken New Jersey Cities政府,私人团体援助新泽西州受灾地区One of the New Jersey communities most affect2012-11-08 编辑:Jasmine
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:玻璃艺术50年后再辉煌
After 50 Years, Glass Art Pioneer Still Sparkles50年后,玻璃艺术仍在释放光彩This year marks the 50th anniversary of the studio art&nb2012-11-09 编辑:Jasmine
[教育] VOA视频:黎巴嫩统一各教派历史课本,巩固国内统一
Lebanese Children Learn Abbreviated National History黎巴嫩学生学习国家简史Lebanon's many different sects have their own history, which ma2012-11-12 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:2012年底全世界将有百万轿车
One Billion Vehicles Worldwide by the end of 2012到2012年底,全世界将有1百万小轿车The production of passenger vehicles around the world&nbs2012-11-13 编辑:Jasmine
[健康] VOA视频:心理医生讲述巨人叔叔的励志故事
Psychologist Tells Inspiring Story of His Giant Uncle心理医生讲述叔叔的励志故事Millions of people seek help from psychologists in part&nbs2012-11-15 编辑:Jasmine
[健康] VOA视频:结核病患病率降低,但结核仍是主要致死疾病
TB Cases Down, But Disease Still A Major Killer结核病病例减少,但结核病仍是危险杀手The World Health Organization reports that the number o2012-11-16 编辑:Jasmine