[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):标点符号中的分号到底有没有用?
The semicolon isn't the most common punctuation mark; however, it does manage to stir up some pretty some strong and divisive feelings.2016-11-07 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):密歇根是否会成为美国总统选举的决定性州
For both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the long and winding campaign road ends in Michigan.2016-11-08 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):为什么美国的总统选举过程如此漫长
Election Day marks the finish line of a grueling, fractious and long campaign.2016-11-10 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):无论下一任总统是谁 美国未来经济都难以乐观
All through the presidential campaign, the issue of free trade has been bubbling away on the national front burner.2016-11-09 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):特朗普胜选表明美国的投票风气难以泯灭
Many Americans were stunned and blindsided by Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton.2016-11-11 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):孩子们对总统选举有很多疑问 看看家长们如何应对
Little kids have a lot of questions about the election right now. And for parents, those conversations can be painful. Or comforting. Or sometimes, just hard to navigate.2016-11-14 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):密歇根民众在外搭帐篷住宿抗议建设输油管道
Several Native American tribes and Canadian First Nation tribes are joining members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.2016-11-15 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):美一名警官因牵涉抗议特朗普活动被停职
Since Donald Trump's election there has been an increase nationwide in reports of harassment and intimidation of minorities.2016-11-16 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):底特律市从汽车城到移动城的转变之路
For the last century, almost since the day Henry Ford's first assembly line started rolling in 1913, Detroit has been known as the Motor City.2016-11-17 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):特朗普继任对美国汽车行业有何影响
In a little over two months, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.2016-11-18 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):因参加人数减少 高中橄榄球队由11人降至8人
On Friday night, a football state championship will be on the line when Deckerville High School and Powers North Central square off.2016-11-19 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):矮行星的发现可能将宇航员带往新的星球
We're learning a lot about our tiny corner of the cosmos these days. That's thanks to improving technology and the increasing number of probes we're sending into the solar system.2016-11-21 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):特朗普若撤回在气候变化上所做的努力 将会是全球悲剧
Energy policy will change under the new administration and state policies in places such as Michigan are more likely to look like Trump policies than Obama polices.2016-11-22 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):如何处理强迫症?它到底是朋友还是恶魔?
Some call it the Doubting Disease. OCD—Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder—is when you've got recurring, uncontrollable thoughts and behaviors.2016-11-24 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):感恩节餐桌上如何避免冲突
The holidays can be a happy time, but gathering family members around the Thanksgiving table can also resurrect tensions and old resentments.2016-11-25 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):研究发现一些女性害怕生育 医疗保健是罪魁祸首
A new University of Michigan study is the fourth in the country to look at fear of childbirth and how that fear might affect outcomes for mother and baby.2016-11-26 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):纽约杂志发文导致民众怀疑特朗普当选的真实性
Yesterday, New York Magazine published an article that quickly went viral. It's entitled "Experts Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States."2016-11-28 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):一份较好的讣告应该是什么样的?
How much do you care about the ultimate story of your life?2016-11-23 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):英语中who和whom的使用该如何区分
When to use "who" and when to use "whom" is one of those grammar conundrums that just won't die.2016-11-29 编辑:Daisy
[密歇根新闻广播] 密歇根新闻广播(MP3+文本):重新计票也不会改变大选结果 特朗普依然是赢家
As you may have heard, Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, is asking for a recount of the vote in the three key states that decided the election – Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and our own..2016-11-30 编辑:Daisy