[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国真菌性脑膜炎死亡病例达15起
听力文本BBC News with Julie Candler.Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi has backed down in the row with the&nb2012-10-19 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:奥巴马与罗姆尼进行第二轮电视辩论
听力文本BBC News with Jerry Smit.The former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has opened his defense at&nbs2012-10-22 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:跳伞员菲利克斯3.9万米处超音速自由落体
听力文本BBC News with Jerry Smit.The Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner has made an unprecedented leap from t2012-10-20 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:法国绝代艳后的个人物品在巴黎高价拍卖
听力文本BBC News with Sue Montgomery.A man has been arrested in New York on suspicion of planning to 2012-10-23 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:谷歌提前发布三季度财报致股价暴跌
听力文本BBC News with Sue Montgomery.The Colombian government and the Farc rebel group have begun peace talks in2012-10-23 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:谷歌提前发布三季度财报致股价暴跌
听力文本BBC News with Sue Montgomery.The Colombian government and the Farc rebel group have begun peace talks in2012-10-24 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国邀缅甸参加联合军演以改善军事关系
听力文本BBC News with Sue Montgomery.The head of intelligence for Lebanon's national police and security forces2012-10-25 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:二战老兵纪念阿拉曼战役胜利60周年
听力文本BBC News with Sue MontgomeryThe Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati says he's been persuaded to s2012-10-26 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国前民主党总统候选人乔治·麦戈文去世
听力文本BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.Angry mourners at the funeral of the assassinated Lebanese security chief,&2012-10-27 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:撕毁西哈努克画像中国女子判刑1年
听力文本BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.The director general of the BBC George Entwistle has rejected suggestions&n2012-10-29 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国用2女1男基因制造胚胎引伦理担忧
听力文本BBC News with Marion Marshall.Sudan says a huge fire that engulfed in arms factory in the capital2012-10-30 编辑:Sunny
[赖世雄初级美国英语(讲解版)] BBC新闻讲解2012-10-30 PDF文本+LRC字幕+mp3
Did the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus really discover America? It's believed that travelers from China got there first. They crossed the Pacific to Mexico in the fifth century. In fact..2007-03-13 编辑:admin
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:微软推出新版本的Windows操作系统
听力文本BBC News with Marion Marshall.The Syrian government has agreed to a temporary ceasefire in its conflict with&n2012-10-30 编辑:Sunny
[2012年10月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国第三季度经济实现超预期增长
听力文本BBC News with Jerry SmitAn Italian court has convicted the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of tax 2012-10-31 编辑:Sunny
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:瑞典罪犯“雇用”朋友代自己入狱服刑
听力文本BBC News with Stewart MacintoshThe official Chinese news agency has said anyone violating Communist Party&n2012-11-02 编辑:Sunny
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国迪士尼公司40亿美元收购卢卡斯电影
听力文本BBC News with Marion Marshall.The northeast coast of the United States is beginning a massive clear-up2012-11-05 编辑:Sunny
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:美国东海岸紧锣密鼓应对飓风桑迪
听力文本BBC News with Jerry SmitThe Burmese authorities have acknowledged that more than 80 people have been&n2012-11-02 编辑:Sunny
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:保加利亚发现欧洲最古老城镇遗址
听力文本BBC News with Marion Marshall.President Obama has told Americans recovering from a huge storm that his adminis2012-11-05 编辑:Sunny
[2012年11月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:苹果重新声明三星未抄袭iPad设计
听力文本BBC News with Marion Marshall.A Greek journalist accused of breach of privacy after he published a&nbs2012-11-07 编辑:Sunny
[赖世雄初级美国英语(讲解版)] BBC新闻讲解2012-11-05 PDF文本+LRC字幕+mp3
cliff and Bonnie have known each other for two years. They have talked about getting married since last year. Cliff has already decided that Bonnie is the right girl for him. However, Bonnie has not2007-03-13 编辑:admin