[总统演讲] 英文原著:Two Short Pieces(两个短篇)
点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on Memorial Day (May 28,2005)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Memorial Day weekend, Americans pay tribute to those who have given2006-03-05 编辑:admin
[总统演讲] 英文原著:Yankee Gypsies(美国吉普赛人)
点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on freedom (May 21,2005)Good morning.Today, I can report to you that we are making good progress in advancing the cause of freedom,2006-03-05 编辑:admin
[总统演讲] 英文原著:THE DIVINE COMEDY(三)(朗费罗译但丁之《神
点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ Tony Blair's speech on returning to 10 Downing Street(6 May 2005)British Prime Minister Tony Blair unveiled his third-term government at the start of perhaps th2006-03-05 编辑:admin
[生活美语] 英文原著:爱丽思漫游奇境记
点击此处下载音频2006-05-04 编辑:admin
[] 英文原著:永别了武器
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[] 英文原著:少年维特的烦恼
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[] 英文原著:飘Gone.with.the.wind
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[看电影学英语] 经典英文原著:The Bostonians波士顿人
点击此处下载视频影片对白 Karl: Damn woman, you were good! Yes, you're next, Suzie-Q. Whatcha gonna sing? Edie: Yes. Mike: You sing? Susan: Only when I'm alone. Karl: Come on, we're among friends.2007-01-20 编辑:admin
[娱乐新闻] 电影《白鹿原》:尊重原著还是情色噱头?
The highly anticipated movie White Deer Plain, hit Chinese movie theaters on September 15, two days following its&n2012-10-01 编辑:justxrh
[娱乐新闻] 英剧《战争与和平》开播 演员吐槽原著太难啃
变化多端、极具前瞻性的唱作人大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie) 身上戏剧性、形象与人格的力量令一代代音乐人从中受益。2016-01-12 编辑:shaun