[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:10 Questions for 50 Cent
这张不得了,真的了不起。阿姆、玛丽布莱姬、阿肯、贾斯汀、提姆巴兰、小野猫主唱妮可、黑眼豆豆主脑will.i.am等一起跪拜屌到爆2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福最新动态] 2013年托福报名考位紧 京沪1月已报满
2013年托福考试时间表已公布。据托福报名官网显示,北京1月已报满,上海1月-3月已报满,北京3月即将报满。特别指出,山东、广东等地1月26日、27日放出新考位,2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[词汇辅导] 托福词汇:2013年交通新规 开车族须注意
pothole, hole坑洼gravel砂砾right/left-hand bend右/左转弯blind bend急弯2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[词汇辅导] 托福词汇:2012年网络流行缩写词
286:低智商3166:再见7456:气死我了BMW:长舌妇女 (Big Mouth Woman)BT:变态ft:晕(faint)GG:男孩2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:The Best Exercise for Diabetes
加拿大一项新研究发现,患二型糖尿病的病人,若能同时做有氧及重量训练运动,将可显着地降低血糖。2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:Video Games That Keep Kids Fit
当然,反对者指出既然要求孩子跑圈孩子就会去跑,那么尽管电子游戏对健康有点好处,也没必要让它进入体育课。2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:The iPhone What the Critics Say
加拿大一项新研究发现,患二型糖尿病的病人,若能同时做有氧及重量训练运动,将可显着地降低血糖。2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:Are We Ready for Another Tsunami?
海啸是一种具有强大破坏力的海浪。当地震发生于海底,因震波的动力而引起海水剧烈的起伏,形成强大的波浪,向前推进,将沿海地带一一淹没的灾害,称之为海啸。2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:What Breast-Feeding Can't Do
根据一份今在「英国医学杂志」刊出的报告指出,母乳虽然含有丰富营养,但长期吃母奶无助於降低幼儿罹患气喘和过敏症状风险。2013-01-18 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:Vitamin D Lowers Risk of Death
Doctors have long known that vitamin D is essential to good health. Get enough of it and it ensures strong bones and teeth.2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读训练:Babies Vs.Chimps Who’sSmarter?
Humans have a lot in common with the great apes. We both make tools; we both have something sort of like laughter; and we share about 94% of our DNA2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(1)
Native Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent. For a long time white people called them Indians.2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(2)
Before Europeans arrived in North America there were over 300 Native American languages. Some have now died out2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(3)
An American tradition dating back to early times is *Thanksgiving. When the English arrived in Jamestown many died during the long cold winter,2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(4)
The first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to success in the *American Revolution. He is called ‘the Father of His Country.2013-01-20 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(5)
The capital city of the US, whose area covers the *District of Columbia.2013-01-19 编辑:mike
[新托福阅读真题详解] 新托福阅读真题详解:Infantile Amnesia 婴幼儿健忘症
1970年,地理学家Kenneth J. Hsu 和 William B.F. Ryan曾在海洋调查船Glomar Challenger号上致力收集调研资料。2013-01-21 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(6)
Jazz is one of the greatest forms of music originating in the US. The names of its stars, who are mostly *African Americans, are known around the world.2013-01-21 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(7)
The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatán around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico,2013-01-21 编辑:mike
[托福阅读训练] 托福阅读背景知识训练(8)
The Maya kept time with a combination of several cycles that meshed together to mark the movement of the sun, moon and Venus.2013-01-21 编辑:mike