[新概念英语第四册Flash版] VOA常速讲解2012-07-11 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
新概念第四册Flash第13课-第2讲2007-02-11 编辑:admin
[2012年7月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:年轻人的高失业率影响非洲稳定
中英文本Ahmet Toure has never had a job.艾哈迈德·图雷从未有过一份工作。He makes his living buying second-hand jeans from flea markets around Dakar.他靠在达喀尔周围的跳蚤市场购买二手牛仔裤过活。He re2012-07-12 编辑:mike
[新概念英语第四册Flash版] VOA常速讲解2012-07-12 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
新概念第四册Flash第13课-第3讲2007-02-11 编辑:admin
[2012年7月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:伦敦地铁系统将在奥运会中起到重要作用
中英文本Head into the Tube and you never quite know what you might find.一头扎进地铁后你绝不会知晓你将发现什么。With 12 million passengers passing through every day - and three million more expected2012-07-13 编辑:mike
[新概念英语第四册Flash版] VOA常速讲解2012-07-13 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
新概念第四册Flash第15课-第4讲2007-02-11 编辑:admin
[NPR在线听2012年7月] NPR讲解附字幕:美国众议院投票取消奥巴马医改 美联储QE3预期降温
英文原文From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.The Republican-led House has just voted to repeal the affordable health care act, President obama's signature domestic legislati2012-07-13 编辑:mike
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:伦敦建筑灵感源于生活
英文原文Tell me a little bit about the inspiration behind building something that just has a triangular look to it.Yes. Well, we wanted to create a lot of, a sense of lightness, a very light presence2012-07-13 编辑:mike
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:工作更长时间以谋求安稳的退休生活
英文原文It's a dream. A lot of Americans retire at 65, start living a good life. But the recession has now put that further out of reach for a lot of us. Alicia Munnell, she's just fi2012-07-16 编辑:mike
[NPR在线听2012年7月] NPR讲解附字幕:JP摩根大通经历严峻经济挑战 但仍然是赢家
英文原文From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.The fallout from JP Morgan's failed hedging strategy is nearly three times worse than initially estimated. The bank is now repor2012-07-16 编辑:mike
[2012年7月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:叙利亚冲突波及土耳其境内难民营
中英文本Syrian helicopters buzz rebel-held territory - occasionally firing rockets that raise plumes of smoke.叙利亚直升机在反叛军领地唧唧作响—偶尔发射火箭弹形成羽流烟。Army snipers holed up in a mi2012-07-17 编辑:mike
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:玫瑰农场帮助自闭症患者重获新生
英文原文A massive earthquake followed by the threat of tsunamis, for people in Indonesia, that combination could bring up tragic memories. In 2004, there was an earthquake off the Indonesia coast and2012-07-17 编辑:mike
[哈利波特与魔法石] 带你步入魔法世界:《哈利·波特与魔法石》赏析(160)
原文欣赏Hagrid dropped the teapot. How do you know about Fluffy? he said.海格重重地放下茶壶。 “你们怎么会知道三个头的路威?”他问。Fluffy? Yeah—he's mine—bought him off a Greek chappie I m2012-07-17 编辑:lily
[2012年7月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:韩国先进铸造工艺印制各国货币
中英文本Many new 10 baht coins are not being minted in Thailand.许多新的10泰铢硬币并没有在泰国进行铸造。The work has been outsourced to a state-funded Korean facility,这项工作已经外包给一家由国家资助2012-07-18 编辑:mike
[看电影学英语] VOA常速讲解2012-07-18 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
点击此处下载视频影片对白 Anchorperson: The animals are said to have suffered a mild seasickness, but now are back to eating the finest calf's liver. Garfield: Oh, boy. Must be sweet. My tummy's ups2007-02-11 编辑:admin
[NPR在线听2012年7月] NPR讲解附字幕:葛兰素史克因欺诈被重罚 柯达没落引发破产
英文原文From NPR news in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.GlaxoSmithKline is settling in historic healthcare fraud case for 30 billion dollars. The drug maker has agreed to plead guilty to misde2012-07-18 编辑:mike
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:叙利亚暴力流血事件持续上演 旧金山庆祝金门大桥75周年
英文原文Some members of the UN Security Council have spoken out repeatedly against the violence we've seen in Syria. The latest example is something that happened last Friday. For more than a2012-07-18 编辑:mike
[2012年7月VOA常速英语] VOA常速新闻讲解附字幕:艺术家专注于木制小鸟传统技艺
中英文本Jeff Jacobs has been a carpenter for more than 30 years.杰夫•雅各布斯从事木匠工作已经超过30年。Now, he spends much of his time on his hobby:现在,他在其爱好上倾注了自己的大部分时间:carvi2012-07-19 编辑:mike
[新概念英语第四册Flash版] VOA常速讲解2012-07-03 PDF文本+mp3+LRC字幕
新概念第四册Flash第17课-第1讲2007-02-13 编辑:admin
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:澳大利亚知名特技人为梦想挑战高空一跳
英文原文Who waits to open his or her parachute, terminal velocity is around 150 miles per hour. Felix Baumgartner is expected to hit that at around 5,000 feet. Of course, by then, he'll alrea2012-07-19 编辑:mike
[NPR在线听2012年7月] NPR讲解附字幕:摩根大通CEO承认犯下惊人错误 阿富汗高级和平委员会成员遇刺
英文原文From NPR News in Washington, I'm Windsor Johnston.The CEO of JP Morgan Chase says he was dead wrong when dismissed concerns about the banks trading. Speaking on ABC's Meet the2012-07-19 编辑:mike