[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:永恒Infinity
这份爱永不退色......2023-04-02 编辑:chuztpah
[可可英语口语] 每天背五句69期-“恋爱脑”的英文不是love brain
小节目:日常情景短语,口语亮起来! hopeless romantic 恋爱脑2023-04-13 编辑:lulu
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:仙境Wonderland
爱情的炫目之处......2023-04-29 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:唯一的例外The Only Exception
爱情是可能事件......2023-05-22 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:我们每次触碰Every Time We Touch
每次触碰,仿佛看见天堂......2023-05-30 编辑:chuztpah
[听歌学英语可可版] 听歌学英语:爱情卢浮宫The Louvre
不顾一切的爱情......2023-05-26 编辑:chuztpah
[热点资讯传送门] 中国传统节日七夕节
农历七月初七是七夕节,该节日被普遍认为是中国的情人节。2023-08-22 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读594 | 为什么人们相信“灵魂伴侣”真的存在?
Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth' On a planet of nearly eight billion people, it’s quite a coincidence that so many peoples’ soulmates are just in the next classroom. Yet th..2023-10-04 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读594 | 为什么人们相信“灵魂伴侣”真的存在?
Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth' On a planet of nearly eight billion people, it’s quite a coincidence that so many peoples’ soulmates are just in the next classroom. Yet th..2023-10-04 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读594 | 为什么人们相信“灵魂伴侣”真的存在?
Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth' On a planet of nearly eight billion people, it’s quite a coincidence that so many peoples’ soulmates are just in the next classroom. Yet th..2023-10-04 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语329期-《请回答1988》“狗善CP”恋爱7年分手
他们分手了,全球网友哭成泪人:“世上最后一对让人相信爱情的情侣”也分了。据韩媒消息,在经典韩剧《请回答1988》剧中饰演成德善、金正焕,剧外恋爱近七年的李惠利与柳俊烈确认分手。剧中,两人没能走到一起,剧外也BE了。他们俩的恋爱,像娱乐圈的一股清流,朴素寻常,像是80年代的校园恋爱,让无数人为之动容。许多《请回答1988》的剧粉,此刻像一个无助的小孩,心碎了一地。你曾经磕过他们的糖吗?还相信爱情..2023-11-15 编辑:lulu
[可可英语口语] 口语331期-豪门少爷竟是恋爱脑?何猷君和奚梦瑶网友磕疯了
恋综又发糖了!这次大家磕的竟然多年来一直不被看好的何猷君和奚梦瑶夫妇。两人最近一起上了综艺《爱的修学旅行》,节目中两人互动默契自然,亲密无间,疯狂撒狗粮,何猷君更是频现宠老婆金句:“听老婆的话会发达”“我们的小家庭,永远优先于大家庭”“我家情况太复杂,我心疼你”,让不少网友打破了之前对“女明星嫁入豪门”的刻板印象,评论“他俩的爱情是偶像剧照进现实”。 今天我们就边磕CP边学学“豪门少爷”..2023-11-20 编辑:lulu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读699期|“灵魂伴侣”真的存在吗?
Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth' On a planet of nearly eight billion people, it’s quite a coincidence that so many peoples’ soulmates are just in the next classroom. Yet th..2024-03-07 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读699期|“灵魂伴侣”真的存在吗?
Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth' On a planet of nearly eight billion people, it’s quite a coincidence that so many peoples’ soulmates are just in the next classroom. Yet th..2024-03-07 编辑:kekechendu