[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《女王的一生》第50期:发自内心的自责
Some of Elizabeth's anguish may have been genuine remorse,伊丽莎白的苦恼中有一些是发自内心的自责some of it was downright fear and she was right to worry.还有一些是明显的不安和恐惧 确实如此2017-01-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《女王的一生》第51期:伟大的女王讲话
Everything Elizabeth had ever learned came together at Tilbury.伊丽莎白一生中所学在提尔伯里展露无遗2017-01-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《女王的一生》第52期:永葆青春之躯
All I know, It's all spin and hype,就我所知 消息很快传出去了 but it was hype for England and it did make a difference.这激动人心的讲话确实有所成效2017-01-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《女王的一生》第53期:完成应有的使命
But still, he was Mary's child,the fruit of her womb, not Elizabeth's.但终究 他是玛丽的儿子 是她腹中的亲骨肉 不是伊丽莎白的2017-01-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第1期:黄金夹道的富庶之地
From its earliest days,Britain was an object of desire.自远古时代起 不列颠就为人所觊觎Tacitus declared it "pretium victoriae" worth the conquest,塔西佗称其为"值得征服的土地"2016-06-19 编辑:kahn
[人类:我们的故事] 历史频道《人类:我们的故事》第十二集第22期:发现新的地域
I'm confident in our lifetime我相信在我们有生之年we will experience a pandemic that is similar in scope to the Bubonic Plague.一定会经历一场和黑死病类似规模的 大规模流行病2016-06-09 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第2期:揭开神秘的面纱
There are remains of Stone Age life doted all over Britain and Ireland.石器时代的遗迹遍布于不列颠与爱尔兰But nowhere as abundantly as Orkney,with its mounds, graves尤以奥克尼群岛为最 大量鼓起的坟堆2016-06-20 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第3期:文明与时代的风格
And the villagers were real neighbours, living cheek by jowl,村民们比邻而居 关系十分亲密 their houses connected by walled, sometimes decorated alleyways.房屋鳞次栉比 有些地方还修有走廊2016-06-21 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第4期:精雕细琢的石器
A stone tank in which to keep live fish bait.用来保存活鱼饵的石质水槽And since we know that some of houses had drains underneath them,我们知道有些房屋已然拥有了地下排水沟2016-06-22 编辑:kahn
[人类:我们的故事] 历史频道《人类:我们的故事》第四集23:耶路撒冷
But in doing so, they hasten their own downfall.但正是这样的做法加速了他们自身的衰落Unfortunately their protection didn't last.不幸的是 石像的庇佑没有维持多久2015-11-22 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第5期:审美情趣不谋而合
They were just as concerned about housing the dead as the living.而他们对地宫的关注 绝不逊于生前的寓所The mausoleum at Maes Howe, a couple of miles from Skara Brae,在斯卡拉布雷数英里外的麦豪石室2016-06-23 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第6期:世代安居乐业
The grandest of these tombs had openings cut in the wall,最豪华墓穴的墙壁上开凿了凹槽to create side chambers where the most important bodies以便让最重要的尸体2016-06-24 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第7期:史前巨石阵
There were also the great stone circles,the largest at Avebury.其他地方同样也有巨石圈 其中最大的在埃夫伯里But the most spectacular of all at Stonehenge.而最为壮丽的 当数史前巨石阵2016-06-25 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第8期:令人爱怜的愁思
Many of those towers still survive but none are as daunting as the great stockade on Arran,off Ireland's west coast.很多石塔虽得以幸存 却无一能如坐落在爱尔兰西海岸 阿蓝岛上的大围栏般巍然屹立2016-06-26 编辑:kahn
[人类:我们的故事] 历史频道《人类:我们的故事》第十集第19期:日不落帝国的足迹
The brawl ends in a stand-off.But the battle lines are drawn.Let's get out of here!争吵打闹以僵局结束 但是战线开始形成 我们快离开这!2016-04-20 编辑:kahn
[人类:我们的故事] 历史频道《人类:我们的故事》第十一集第3期:一种信仰
Wait a second, I was just fighting to protect this city,等一下 我刚刚还在奋勇战斗 保护这座城市and now you want me to burn it to the ground,are you insane?现在你让我的努力付之一炬 你疯了吗2016-04-28 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第12期:极尽奢华的别墅
If there were sumptuous country villas amidst the olive groves of the Roman countryside,如若罗马乡间的橄榄树丛中 藏匿着极尽奢华的别墅2016-06-30 编辑:kahn
[人类:我们的故事] 历史频道《人类:我们的故事》第十一集第4期:无与伦比的新发明
Six days later, the South surrenders.六天后 南军投降了The world's first industrial war ends.世界上第一场工业战争结束了2016-04-29 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第14期:傲慢自大的罗马人
In 79 AD, an enormous pitched battle took place on the slopes of an unidentified highland mountain,公元79前 一不知名的高山丘陵上 一场大规模激战在此上演2016-07-02 编辑:kahn
[《英伦历史》纪录片] BBC英国史精讲《源起》第15期:风声鹤唳 草木皆兵
He of course was destined, in Britain at any rate, to be remembered by a wall.在不列颠 他注定因一堵墙而流芳百世2016-07-03 编辑:kahn