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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

经济文章精选_经济- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 经济 的文章共有:2282
  • [商业报道] 第四届中美战略与经济对话

    Timothy Geithner,the US Treasury Secretary has less ammunition to throw at his Chinesecounterpart this year than in previous years.今年,美国财政部长提摩西.盖特纳没有像去年那样炮轰中国财政部长。Now o

    2012-05-07 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:在刚果行医的女医生Lyn Lusi

    "DARKNESS" was a word Lyn Lusi was used to. Western journalists instinctively reached for it when they came to her hospital in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Joseph Conrad&

    2012-05-09 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:绝非易事(1)

    LIKE most sins, tax breaks are easier to condemn than to resist. Politicians regularly decry the inefficiency and complexity that tax breaks introduce to the overall tax system, while merrily adding

    2012-05-07 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:移民政治学(2)

    Nonetheless Mr Romney cheerfully joined in the denunciation of Mr Perry for his breach of party doctrine. By the same token, when Newt Gingrich, another candidate for the Republican presidential nomi

    2012-05-03 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:危险群体(1)

    “THEY hang out in pockets,” says Richard Pan, a Sacramento paediatrician and member of California’s legislature. He is referring to parents who, invoking a “philosophical exemption”, opt not to

    2012-05-09 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:移民政治学(1)

    IT MAY have taken the Supreme Court just an hour to wrap up its discussion of illegal immigration this week, but America’s politicians, it seems, cannot get enough of the subject. It will be several

    2012-05-02 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:天籁已逝

    Obituary讣告Whitney Houston惠特妮•休斯顿Whitney Elizabeth Houston, pop singer, died on February 11th, aged 48.流行歌手惠特妮•伊丽莎白•休斯顿于2月11日逝去,享年48岁。THE year was 198

    2012-05-11 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:温暖的火花

    New poetry新诗集Sparks of warmth温暖的火花Love's Bonfire. By Tom Paulin.《爱之篝火》汤姆 坡林著TOM PAULIN, an Anglo-Irish poet and Oxford academic, is no stranger to the evocative power of wo

    2012-05-14 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:绝非易事(2)

    Mr Romney can spare the bottom 40% any loss of income from reduced tax expenditures relatively easily. Whereas that group gets the lion’s share of refundable tax credits such as those for children,

    2012-05-08 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:关于意识如何作用的新想法

    He who started it all是他开启了这一切Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behaviour. By Leonard Mlodinow.《潜意识:你的潜意识如何支配你的行为》;伦纳德 蒙洛迪诺著;ASK someone to name a f

    2012-05-10 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:希望永不泯灭

    The Arab uprising阿拉伯世界的起义Hope springs eternal希望永不泯灭The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East.By Marc Lynch.阿拉伯世界的起义:未完结的新中东革命。马克?里奇著。

    2012-05-16 编辑:melody

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:经济腾飞国人幸福感下滑

    According to a U.S. analysis published on Monday, China's economic growth over the last 20 years has generally been met with declining happiness, AFP reported.法新社报道,根据美国周一发布的一

    2012-05-16 编辑:Jasmine

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:危险群体(2)

    Other parents fret about thimerosal, a preservative that contains trace amounts of mercury. Not only were these amounts minute and safe, but thimerasol has now been eliminated from all vaccines, with

    2012-05-10 编辑:beck

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:诺贝尔桂冠诗人维斯瓦娃

    Wislawa Szymborska维斯瓦娃·希姆博尔斯卡Wislawa Szymborska, poet, died on February 1st, aged 88维斯瓦娃·希姆博尔斯卡,诗人,2月1日去世,享年88岁WHEN Wislawa Szymborska won the world's top li

    2012-05-22 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:利比亚统治者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲

    Muammar Qaddafi穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲Muammar Qaddafi, ruler of Libya, died on October 20th, aged 69利比亚统治者穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲于10月20日去世,享年69岁AS THE rebel insurgency flowed and ebbed across Libya

    2012-05-24 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:追求永生

    Immortality永生For ever and ever追求永生Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilisation.《永生:对长命百岁的追求及这是如何影响文明》IMMORTALITY is an age-old obsession. Plenty o

    2012-05-25 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:电子书之父迈克·哈特

    Michael Hart迈克·哈特Michael Hart, father of e-books and founder of Project Gutenberg, died on September 6th, aged 64.迈克·哈特,电子书之父,古登堡计划创始人,于9月6日逝世,享年64岁。AMONG the epis

    2012-05-15 编辑:melody

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:小行星采矿 淘铂去

    Mining asteroids小行星采矿Going platinum小行星采矿——淘铂去Mining metals from asteroids seems a bonkers idea. But could it work?小行星采矿这想法听似疯狂,但行得通吗?CAN reality trump art? That was

    2012-05-23 编辑:melody

  • [耶鲁《英国近代史》] 耶鲁大学公开课《英国近代史》第9课:商品和联邦-经济和社会问题

    耶鲁大学公开课《英国近代史》第9课:商品和联邦:经济和社会问题 1520-1560本课程以新视角概括了15世纪晚期到18世纪早期的英国社会发展。课程中涉及到的内容包括:社会结构的沿革、家庭、区域团体、性别角色、经济

    2012-05-23 编辑:kekenet

  • [经济] VOA视频:八国峰会对欧洲经济改革达成一致

    G8 Summit Ends on Consensus on Eurozone reformsU.S. President Barack Obama says the leaders of the world’s biggest economies are beginning to agree that more jobs and more growth will help reverse E

    2012-05-23 编辑:Daisy