[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第303期:摄氏温度的换算
My mind still works in Celsius sometimes. It's really helpful for us to have the conversion function.2015-04-03 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第304期:重视私人利益过于国民健康
The government is subsidizing the obesity epidemic. It places private profit ahead of public health. Systematic political failure.2015-04-04 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第306期:有些期望常常很不切实际
It says "Some of your aspirations tend to be unrealistic" which I'd say is my greatest fear always. That I'm aspiring to things that I don't deserve and that I'm not qualifie..2015-04-07 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第308期:如何形容自己
What are we saying about ourselves? That our strengths aren't strong enough? Our feelings not deep enough? Our cheers not loud enough?2015-04-09 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第309期:童话里的白马王子
Once upon a time in a far away land there lived a beautiful girl who dreamed of finding her prince.2015-04-10 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第310期:Instagram上的自拍第一人
In 2011, Jennifer Lee became the first person to use the "hashtag" selfie on Instagram, since then it's been used more than eighty million times.2015-04-13 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第313期:基因提高了沮丧的可能性?
Many other genes have been identified which increase the likelihood of depression too. And it makes sense when you consider that depression and bipolar disorder both run in families.2015-04-16 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第312期:卡路里是能量的单位
A calorie is a unit of energy. It's technically the amount of energy needed to heat up a kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius.2015-04-15 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第314期:学而时习之,不亦说乎!
Confucius said: "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?" The concept of learning is deeply rooted among their beliefs. Work hard. Play hard.2015-04-17 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第316期:八卦竟然有好处!
In this example, they found that the people who really cared about improving their job performance through knowledge and skills, were more likely to learn from positive gossip.2015-04-21 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第317期:关于速食薯条
It's like a french fry that you make out of Play Doh. Plastic surgery fries. It's had a little cosmetic surgery.2015-04-22 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第318期:电影中的爆炸现场
Of course we can't have an action movie without an explosion and where there are explosions there are people casually walking away from them. I'm talking to you every action star ever.2015-04-23 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第319期:宝宝令人无法抗拒的吸引力
As a result, humans have adapted to find certain traits aesthetically pleasing and downright adorable in an effort to increase interaction, care and protection from parents.2015-04-24 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第320期:眼睛和相机不同之处
Also in contrast to a camera, your photoreceptors are unevenly distributed, with no receptors for dim light in the very center. This is why faint stars seem to disappear when you look directly at th..2015-04-27 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第322期:将缺点转化为优势
There are other people out there who are just like you, who are going through the same things. And sometimes you can take a weakness and turn it into a strength.2015-04-29 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第323期:洗劫他们的所有物
Night after night, Dusty the klepto cat slips into the darkness looking to raid the possessions of his unsuspecting neighbors.2015-04-30 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第324期:考试中更改答案的正确率
Pretty much all research on sticking with your initial hunches suggests that most answer changes are from incorrect to correct, and people who change their answers usually improve their test scores.2015-05-04 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第325期:把这份爱传下去!
It's not a personal thing, it's not about me, it's about my potential future offspring! Okay? So really it's a selfless act! I'm paying it forward!2015-05-05 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第326期:尼古拉斯凯奇!
So would you rather have Nicholas Cage be around you at all times or have Nickelback narrate your entire life?2015-05-06 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第327期:我们并未正视自己的"信念"
I think that we haven't given enough credit to the role of our beliefs in determining our physiology, our reality.2015-05-07 编辑:max