[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第一集反抗者14:独立战争的进程(上)
TEXT:They continue to search for weapons, giving the Patriots more time to spread the word. The militia gathers just outside the town of Concord. By late morning, more than 1,000 have arrived from th2012-07-24 编辑:kahn
[走遍美国新世纪版] 走遍美国Lesson03-6 感恩节快乐
OK, everybody. 好啦 各位。 I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle 我想对Harry和他女儿Michelle to Thanksgiving with us. 来参加我们的感恩节晚餐表示欢迎 Thank you, Dr. Stewart. 谢谢你 Stewart2012-07-25 编辑:echo
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第二集革命15:独立战争的进程(中)
TEXT:New York City. Gateway to North America. Today the financial capital of the world. Population:Eigh t Million people. In 1776, this is a city of just 20,000. It will soon become the battleground2012-07-25 编辑:kahn
[留学资讯] 留学美国面临三大“障碍”
出国留学是很多人梦寐以求的,但是 留学的背后必须跨过一道又一道的障碍这样才能实现自己的梦想,专家总结出三大障碍多年来深深困扰着众多赴美留学的学子,更有众多学子因为这些障碍导致留学失败。 障碍2012-07-25 编辑:Amy
[留学资讯] 美国留学:常青藤盟校变化对中国留学生的影响
变化1,中国学生逐年增长 多数院校在最近五年间,招收中国学生的人数都在持续增长,包括耶鲁、普林斯顿、宾夕法尼亚、哥伦比亚、布朗大学等。 有的学校中国学生人数的增长速度非常快,据负责海外2012-07-25 编辑:Amy
[关注社会] 中国国有石油公司瞄准美国油气资产
Oil firms have to go where the oil (and gas) is. Increasingly, that place is the U.S. 石油(天然气)在哪儿,石油公司的脚步就跟到哪儿。美国正日益成为石油公司瞄准的目标。 Over half of global upstream2012-07-25 编辑:justxrh
[走遍美国新世纪版] 走遍美国Lesson04-1 我想家了
Robbie, this new Walkman is absolutely wonderful.Robbie 这个新的随身听真棒。Richard and Marilyn bought it for me for my birthday.这是Richard和Mariilyn送给我的生日礼物。They're so thoughtful.他2012-07-26 编辑:echo
[专业选择] 美国留学:十大冷门专业变"金饭碗"
莘莘学子们在去美国留学选择大学时,除了心仪的大学外,最好也关注一下市场对人才需求的状况和趋势,不能只想着埋头读书,而不抬头看路。就业不包分配,市场机制起了巨大作用。而市场机制的特性一旦买方处于主导2012-07-26 编辑:Amy
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第二集革命16:独立战争的进程(下)
TEXT:Washington's ragtag troops are about to face he best-equipped and most powerful fighting force in the world.June 29th. 45 British warships mass off Staten Island. Bearing down on New Yor2012-07-26 编辑:kahn
[科学美国人技术系列] 科学美国人60秒:蛋白质的第二份工作
Secret identities aren't just for superheroes anymore. Researchers have found that a protein present in everything from amoebas to people is living a double life. Once it binds to DNA, the pr2012-07-26 编辑:melody
[2012年7月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:美国一慈善组织陷入募捐丑闻
英文原文Hey I’m Anderson Cooper. Welcome to the podcast. We confront a woman who runs a charity that tugs at your heartstrings, the question is where the money go. We’ll keep an eye. We begin tonig2012-07-26 编辑:Amosway
[时事新闻] 美国首位女航天员莱德周一去世
Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, died Monday. She was 61 years old and had been suffering from pancreatic cancer. 美国首位女航天员莱德(Sally Ride)周一因胰腺癌去世,终年61岁。 Her dea2012-07-26 编辑:justxrh
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》番外篇02:华盛顿第一次就职演讲
TEXT:First Inaugural Address of George Washington THE CITY OF NEW YORK THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1789 Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: Among the vicissitudes2012-07-27 编辑:kahn
[申请指南] 留学美国名校 建筑专业申请要求
目前美国各大学的建筑学一般设有两级研究生学位:建筑学硕士和建筑学博士。各所大学建筑学专业和学位均由美国国家建筑学鉴定委员会(NAAB)组织评定,对其专业和学术资格进行严格的认证。 一、申请美国留学建筑2012-07-27 编辑:Amy
[舌尖上的美国] 舌尖上的美国(7)请求
大家好,欢迎收听舌尖上的美国。当你向别人提出请求,要尽量有礼貌,这一点很重要。你提出请求时所用的语调和你实际要说的内容同样重要。如果你认为某人可能会拒绝你的请求,你可以用一种即使遭到回绝也不致引起难堪2012-07-27 编辑:Nic
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第二集革命17:华盛顿 异人也
TEXT:But the doubters are outnumbered nearly five to one.On July 4, 1776, the delegates ratify a document that will change the world, the Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-2012-07-27 编辑:kahn
[时事新闻] 美国枪击案嫌犯曾寄草图详述屠杀计划
The neuroscience graduate student suspected of Friday's mass shooting in a Colorado movie theater had mailed a notebook with drawings of a massacre to a University of Colorado psychiatrist, b2012-07-28 编辑:justxrh
[美国历史] 美国历史《我们的故事》第二集革命18:华盛顿 异人也(中)
TEXT:Reed is awed by the sight.When I look down and see the prodigious fleet they have collected, I cannot help being astonished that a people should come 3,000 miles at such risk, trou ble and expen2012-07-29 编辑:kahn
[科学美国人技术系列] 科学美国人60秒:材料科学推动奥运纪录
The London Olympics are about to begin, and spectators will again be riveted by feats that would have been impossible when the modern Olympics began in 1896.伦敦奥运会即将开始,观众将再次被奇观吸引,2012-07-30 编辑:melody
[专业选择] 美国大学平面设计专业排名及简介
美国大学艺术类大学平面设计专业类排名 1. Rhode Island School of Design 2. Yale University (CT) 3. Cranbrook Academy of Art (MI) 4. Art Center College of Design (CA) 5.Virginia Commo2012-07-30 编辑:Amy