A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Memcache::connect(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

中国文章精选_中国- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 中国 的文章共有:2034
  • [时事新闻] 中国仍将严重依赖中东石油

    Projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration find the U.S. will drastically reduce its reliance on imported oil, in particular from the Middle East, over the next two decades, a potent

    2012-06-28 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 时事新闻:中国令欧元前景雪上加霜

    The euro is more than just on a knife edge. 欧元正命悬一线,但麻烦还不止于此。 Not only are European leaders very publicly failing to produce even a blueprint for saving the single currency in the n

    2012-06-29 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:中国出口商开始囤积美元

    Many Chinese exporters are starting to hoard the dollars they earn, betting that the yuan is unlikely to appreciate much more, a shift in strategy that is having a ripple effect throughout the countr

    2012-07-01 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 中国正寻求增加原油定价权

    China is increasingly central to world trade in crude oil. But the No. 2 consumer of crude - 11.4% of the global total last year according to BP PLC figures - is frustrated it doesn't have a

    2012-07-02 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:中国将出台新刺激措施?

    China is expected to step up efforts to stimulate its flagging economy after an official survey showed the manufacturing sector expanded at its slowest pace in seven months in June.预计中国将加大力度

    2012-07-03 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 经济学家担忧中国信贷增长

    There is no question that China significantly increased the leverage in its economy to counter the global financial crisis. A surge in credit was the single most important part of the government&

    2012-07-07 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 卡斯特罗访华 寻求增强古巴与中国关系

    Cuban President Raul Castro is looking to strengthen the country's economic ties to Beijing as it moves to liberalize its economy somewhat and limit its energy dependence on Venezuela, whose

    2012-07-07 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 中国拟明令禁止公务宴请食用鱼翅

    Shark's fin soup, a traditional Chinese delicacy-but one reviled in much of the West-won't be on the menu at official Chinese banquets in the coming years, according to state media. 中

    2012-07-08 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 中国游客带动澳大利亚旅游业

    Like many small tourism businesses across Australia, Jet Ski Safaris on Queensland's Gold Coast has a problem – it's not set up to deal with wealthy Chinese visitors. 与澳大利亚很多小

    2012-07-10 编辑:justxrh

  • [SAT动态] 美国高考SAT考试给中国教育带来了什么?

      刚刚过去的高考和美国高考SAT考试的时间相差了只有不到一周,这使得这两种考试的对比更加鲜明起来,从不断减少的高考人数和日益火爆的香港SAT考试情况来看,中国教育可以借鉴点什么样的经验和教训呢?  SAT考试

    2012-07-16 编辑:echo

  • [SAT动态] 中国SAT考生可以选择哪些考试地点?


    2012-07-17 编辑:echo

  • [时事新闻] 中国两艘渔船被俄罗斯扣留

    Russia’s Coast Guard fired on a Chinese fishing trawler during a three-hour chase on Monday, detaining its crew as well as that of another fishing boat seized at the weekend for poaching fish in Rus

    2012-07-19 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 中国房价反弹导致官方担忧

    The Chinese property market rebounded in June, complicating the government’s efforts to support the slowing economy without fuelling a real estate bubble. 中国房地产市场6月份出现反弹,这使政府的努力

    2012-07-19 编辑:justxrh

  • [他她话题] 上半年中国电影市场好莱坞唱主角

    China's box-office revenue in the first half of this year surged 42% from a year earlier, to 8.07 billion yuan ($1.28 billion), on the strength of foreign films like the re-release of 1997&am

    2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh

  • [体育新闻] 伦敦奥运会:中国军团光芒难再现

    Clad in red and gold, China's Olympic athletes may still intimidate the competition in London. Many were selected as young as 6 years old to become Olympians and have spent most of their live

    2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 中国要求俄罗斯解释炮击中国渔船一事

    China called on Russia to explain what it called an 'alleged attack' on a Chinese fishing vessel this week, as well as the fate of a sailor missing off Russia's east coast, in

    2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh

  • [科技新闻] 新iPad中国发售首日异常平静

    Earlier this week China Real Time asked whether Apple Inc. could launch a new product without incident. The answer Friday morning was a quiet

    2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh

  • [娱乐新闻] 娱乐资讯:执导中国歌剧的洋导演

    Director Atom Egoyan is known for his work on films such as 'The Sweet Hereafter' and 'Chloe,' but the Armenian-Canadian filmmaker has also directed a number of stage

    2012-07-22 编辑:justxrh

  • [体育新闻] 伦敦奥运会上的中国军团:年轻,是把双刃剑

    伦敦奥运会中国代表团成立 运动员平均24.7岁编者案:伦敦奥运会即将来临,此次红色军团能否再次续写08年的辉煌?代表团成了年轻选手的阵场,又会是怎样的优劣势对比?暂且抛开这些,快乐学英语吧1.代表团:delegati

    2012-07-25 编辑:Amosway

  • [关注社会] 中国国有石油公司瞄准美国油气资产

    Oil firms have to go where the oil (and gas) is. Increasingly, that place is the U.S. 石油(天然气)在哪儿,石油公司的脚步就跟到哪儿。美国正日益成为石油公司瞄准的目标。 Over half of global upstream

    2012-07-25 编辑:justxrh