[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第28课:Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 你有强
3、Fairly e.g. "I was fairly certain she was innocent". Fairly: quite a high degree 4、We’re doomed!:You're a dead meat !2013-11-18 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第29课:Disney Classics 说说迪士尼的那些经典 (2)
1、Why isn’t Jing Jing completely satisfied yet? 2、What movie was released in 1940 that has Mickey Mouse in it?2013-11-19 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第30课:Happy Children's Day 儿童节快乐!(1
2、What did Jing Jing get her parent's for Children's Day? 3、What advice does Jing Jing give to Xiao Gao?2013-11-20 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第31课:Happy Children's Day 儿童节快乐!(2
12、Paint the town red: have a good of it or have fun or have a ball or on top of the world (Euphoric)2013-11-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第32课:Modesty 中西方人说谦虚(1)
1、Xiao Gao thinks he is the hotshot, and rules at the game of plants versus zombies., so he responds to JingJing's complement immodestly.2013-11-21 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第33课:Modesty 中西方人说谦虚(2)
2、Xiao Gao says accepting compliments is a two way street because on one hand, to hear compliments makes you feel good,on the other hand it's good to speak compliments to others.2013-11-22 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第34课:Online Learning 网络教学适合你吗?(1)
2、Because it’s perfect for workaholics like her. She is learning just about anything (economics)and choosing the time to study as time is not set in stone.2013-11-23 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第35课:Father's Day 亲爱的爸爸 节日快乐 (1)
2、Because JingJing is running low on cash for Father's Day 3、No. JingJinfg didn't accept Xiao Gao 's offer to borrow her some money ! It is Ok. She will figure out by herself2013-11-28 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第36课:Father's Day 亲爱的爸爸 节日快乐!(2)
2、JingJing like most about chatting how she appreciated her papa' doing for her when eating with her father on Father's Day2013-11-29 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第37课:Making a complaint 如何抱怨 (1)
2、Yes, he is a discourteous repeat offender. 3、No, he hasn't, he is just green there.2013-11-30 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第38课:Making a complaint 如何抱怨 (2)
2、Jingjing says he should remember the golden rule, and bite the bullet to close the deal. 3、She gives him 2 weeks to get his act together.2013-12-01 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第39课:Economy The Market 白领工作英语—聊聊 (1)
3、No, she doesn't. Jing Jing thinks she is more conservative to take that kind of gamble. She is a kind of stucking in between the lines though public trading is pretty well regulated these days..2013-12-02 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第40课:Economy The Market 白领工作英语—聊聊 (2)
2、What kinds of things does Xiao Gao see on the black market? 3、What does Xiao Gao say is a good way to polish your listening skills?2013-12-03 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第41课:The Street Market 旅游英语聊街市 (1)
2、The vendor says the bottom price is 500, he says that it's a take it or leave it deal even though Xiao Gao would walk the length of the Great Wall.2013-12-05 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第42课:The Street Market 旅游英语聊街市 (2)
1、How much does Xiao Gao offer at first? 2、What is Xiao Gao's second offer?2013-12-06 编辑:mike
[轻松实用生活美语] 轻松实用美语 第43课:Texting (Text Messages) 短信 简讯 时时沟
1、Because Xiao Gao got a in a wreck and his parents bite his head off 2、Xiao Gao cost his car for 30 grand2013-12-07 编辑:mike
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第352期:怎么用美语说"等等等等"?
Etc., etc., etc. 等等等等什么意思呢?我们一起来看看怎么用美语说“等等”2013-11-28 编辑:Jasmine
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第351期:男生们,你能hold住哪些发型?
看看哪个是你可以hold住的发型! 1) Mohawk 两边剃光,中间向上竖起的发型;2) Slicked back 复古背头;2013-11-27 编辑:Jasmine
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第353期:异地恋相关的表达 Long-distance!
只要爱情存在,距离不是问题? 看看怎么用美语来谈异地恋。 1) Keep tabs on someone 时刻监督某人的一举一动;2013-11-29 编辑:Jasmine
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第354期:关于鬼故事的美语表达 Ghost Story!
小心!今天的OMG美语特别恐怖哦!!白洁见鬼,见鬼了!! 1) paranormal 超自然的;2013-11-30 编辑:Jasmine