[科学美国人健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:脂肪细胞也需要休眠
Sleep is good for you. Getting by on too little sleep increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, high2012-10-22 编辑:melody
[科学美国人太空系列] 科学美国人60秒:月球上的水来自于太阳风
There's a tiny bit of water on the surface of the moon.月球表面水资源十分稀少。The ultra-thin dusting of water molecules wa2012-10-24 编辑:melody
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:人类的欲望造成火山爆发
Earthquakes can be catastrophic natural disasters. But now we know that some earthquakes aren't natural. Human being2012-10-25 编辑:melody
[科学美国人心理系列] 科学美国人60秒:现金奖励更惹人不高兴
Consider the office birthday party and your slice of cake looks slightly smaller than some. Eh, probably no bi2012-10-30 编辑:melody
[科学美国人科学系列] 科学美国人60秒:白鲸模仿人类的声音
You've probably heard parrots parrot human speech. But what about this? That strange kazooing sound is from a&n2012-10-31 编辑:melody
[科学美国人科学系列] 科学美国人60秒: 用颧骨听声音
Headphones have improved a lot in terms of comfort and sound quality over the past century, but the basic 2012-11-01 编辑:melody
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:海洋也会遵守受热膨胀的物理定律
You can't hold back the tide. Or sea level rise. There's melting ice, of course. But H2O that's al2012-11-02 编辑:melody
[科学美国人健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:机场变成传染病传播热点
The security lines at JFK and LAX can be horrendous. But these airports have something in common worse than&nb2012-11-05 编辑:melody
[科学美国人科学系列] 科学美国人60秒:如何使银器保持闪亮?
Getting out grandma's good flatware for the holidays? Then you're probably dreading the time it takes to po2012-11-08 编辑:melody
[科学美国人心理系列] 科学美国人60秒:我们如何处理刺耳的声音?
Not nice to listen to. But what makes such noises unbearable?这听起来很不悦耳。是什么让这些声音听起来如此刺耳?Part of the answer is that the&nbs2012-11-07 编辑:melody
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:谁是最环保总统?
Who was the greenest President? A recent survey of green groups aimed to find out which presidents had the&nbs2012-11-12 编辑:melody
[科学美国人健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:延年益寿的好办法
A little exercise each week can lead to big gains in life expectancy. And that's true regardless of your&n2012-11-13 编辑:melody
[科学美国人太空系列] 科学美国人60秒:“适居带”可能存在超级地球
It's not quite a spitting image of Earth, but a newfound planet just might be similar enough to support&nb2012-11-15 编辑:melody
[科学美国人科学系列] 科学美国人60秒:寄生虫能帮助治疗肠道疾病?
In developed countries, we've mostly eliminated freeloaders like parasitic worms from our guts. But we also have&nbs2012-11-20 编辑:melody
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:生物燃料改变运输业
If you drive a diesel vehicle in the Bay Area, you may have noticed something a little different at your&2012-11-21 编辑:melody
[科学美国人太空系列] 科学美国人60秒:银河也许是最远的可见天体
It was just a tiny galaxy, minding its own business shortly after the big bang. But a chance alignment ha2012-11-26 编辑:melody
[科学美国人心理系列] 科学美国人60秒:老鼠触须激发出的灵感
Apparently most rats survived hurricane Sandy's wrath on New York City's subway tunnels, averting the anticipated&nbs2012-11-16 编辑:melody
[科学美国人科学系列] 科学美国人60秒:“书虫”洞揭示地理起源
即使你很久没翻过书架上的那本算术教材了,但它被蠕虫啃食的几率还是相当低的。然而写于文艺复兴时期的书被蠕虫啃食的几率更大。据了解蠕虫啃食后留下的破洞能被用作研究数据。刊登在《生物学快报》的一项报告会解释其中原由。2012-11-28 编辑:melody
[科学美国人健康系列] 科学美国人60秒:快速冲刺能燃烧大量脂肪
研究人员以10名充满活力的年轻男子为对象展开了实验。让他们摄取能量均衡的饮食,以保证摄入和输出相等的热量,并维持三天。之后让每个人在封闭的室内住两天,同时继续上述饮食方式。这样研究人员就能通过监测氧气和二氧化碳的水平,来计算消耗了多少热量。2012-10-26 编辑:melody
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:对多哈气候大会有何期望
如果你出生在1985年4月以后,那么你还从未经历过真正寒冷的一个月。在这27年温暖的背后是什么?温室气体的不断增多。自18世纪以来化石燃料的燃烧以及人类的其他活动向大气排放了3750多亿公吨碳。2012-11-30 编辑:melody