[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第222期:The Mormon/LDS Chu
The Mormon/LDS Church; school lunches; using “in” or “on” with body parts; fall off versus fall down; a dollar down and a dollar a week2015-01-12 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第223期:Social networking
Topics: Social networking; government-run lotteries; the use of “on” with the days of the week; to travel in/by; individual versus personal2015-01-13 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第224期:Social networking
Social networking; government-run lotteries; the use of “on” with the days of the week; to travel in/by; individual versus personal2015-01-14 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第225期:Gay Rights Issues
Gay Rights Issues: Gay Marriage and “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”; Famous Americans: Oprah Winfrey; sneak preview; instead of versus rather than; a lot versus lots2015-01-15 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第226期:The meaning of wor
Topics: Ask an American: The meaning of work; apart from versus in terms of; off the cuff; also versus as well2015-01-16 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第227期:Vampires The Secon
Vampires; The Second City (comedy group); to sway versus to persuade versus to convince; get a life!; to ramp up2015-01-17 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第228期:The meaning of wor
Patriotic songs; Carnegie Hall; grande versus venti (at Starbucks); troop versus troops; (something) is ghostwritten2015-01-18 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第229期:American Cities Mi
American Cities: Milwaukee; Neighborhood Watch/Citizen's Arrest; to look versus to look like; not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin; pretty + (adjective)2015-01-19 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第230期:Walter Reed Army M
Woodstock; Walter Reed Army Medical Center; a lot versus a load of; indicate versus signify; Hispanic versus Spanish2015-01-20 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第231期:Smedia and job sea
Topics: Ask an American: social media and job searches; go ahead, make my day; years old versus year old2015-01-21 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第221期:Ask an American Wa
Topics:Ask an American: Watching TV on the Internet; to search versus to look for versus to seek; pushing up daisies; do you have any idea?2015-01-09 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第232期:The Godfather Grac
Topics: The Godfather; Graceland and Elvis; to hinder versus to hamper versus to impede; the hunt is on; quick and dirty tips2015-01-22 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第233期:Apollo Theater
Topics: Apollo Theater; Famous Americans: Susan B. Anthony; to talk down to; to bail on; had better versus would rather2015-01-23 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第234期:Classic game shows
Topics: Classic game shows; the sister cities program; beyond a reasonable doubt; infinite versus permanent versus eternal; forward versus forwards2015-01-24 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第235期:Types of prisons a
Types of prisons and the parole system; American cities: Austin; using prepositions with the days of the week; for the world to owe (one) something; late/early morning, afternoon, and evening2015-01-25 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第236期:Ask an American Th
Ask an American: The Cherokee Language; regard versus consider; remember versus memorize; knock on wood2015-01-26 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第237期:Famous Americans
Topics: Famous Americans: Tyler Perry; NASA; to think on (one's) feet; plural for iPod Touch and other proper nouns; recognition versus acknowledgement2015-01-27 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第238期:Yosemite National
Topics: Yosemite National Park; PETA and animal rights; to rebuild versus to reshape; to mind your P's and Q's; tag questions2015-01-28 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第239期:The CIA The Wizard
Topics: The CIA; The Wizard of Oz; deliverable; stress versus pressure; “you had me at hello”2015-01-29 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第240期:DUIs and Mothers A
DUIs and Mothers Against Drunk Drivers; Famous Americans: Martha Stewart; traffic versus transit; at all versus not at all; describing someone who works from home2015-01-30 编辑:mike