[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第322期:No-Tuition College
No-Tuition Colleges; the Sacco-Vanzetti Trial; crazy versus mad versus psycho versus mentally ill; using-ed words as adjectives; lo and behold2015-04-20 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第323期:American President
American Presidents: John Adams; the Boy/Girl Scouts; What time is it? versus What is the time?; to rock; for all intents and purposes2015-04-21 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第324期:Stephen Foster and
Topics: Stephen Foster and his songs; “ish” suffix; California casual; “If it be your will”2015-04-22 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第325期: Bonnie and Clyde
Topics: Movie: Bonnie and Clyde; Community Supported Agriculture (CSA); to cut (someone) loose versus to set2015-04-23 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第326期:U.S. Families Adju
Topics: Ask an American: U.S. Families Adjust to Life Overseas; outpatient; to gulp versus to gobble; swell2015-04-24 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第327期:Famous Americans L
Topics: Famous Americans: Lucille Ball; The Great Depression; hermit versus loner versus introvert; other than versus rather than; Et tu, Brute?2015-04-25 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第329期:American President
American Presidents: Jimmy Carter; The Lost Ship of the Desert Legend; phrases used to ask for status updates; to start off for; likely versus probable2015-04-27 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第330期:American Authors T
Topics: American Authors: Toni Morrison; Homeboy/Homegirl Industries and Father Greg Boyle; screw versus bolt versus nut; to kidnap versus to abduct; to sharpen (one's) axe2015-04-28 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第331期:Online money manag
Topics: Ask an American: Online money management; don't worry versus don't bother; not only; to move/get past a feeling; pronouncing wool versus wall2015-04-29 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第332期:Famous Americans M
Topics: Famous Americans: Michael Jordan; the Quakers; tag questions; the derivation of “okay”; to learn versus to study2015-04-30 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第333期:Movie Star Wars
Topics: Movie-Star Wars; the Security and Exchange Commission; shame versus pity; reading numbers aloud; to be left cold2015-05-01 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第334期:Grand Teton Nation
Topics: Grand Teton National Park; Famous Songs: "She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain"; congratulations versus thanks versus kudos; literally; to take the time2015-05-02 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第335期:Johnny Appleseed
Topics: Spy trials of the 40s/50s-Alger Hiss & Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; Johnny Appleseed; feeling versus emotion; expression versus term; drop dead2015-05-03 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第336期:Ask an American Se
Topics: Ask an American-Self-publishing; intrinsic versus native versus innate versus congenital; recently versus currently; soccer2015-05-04 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第337期:Stan and Jan Beren
Famous Authors - Stan and Jan Berenstain and the Berenstain Bears; getting married; to stand for versus to refer to (as); the past simple and the present perfect tenses2015-05-05 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第338期:Famous Americans-A
Famous Americans-Ansel Adams; Ben & Jerry's; to find out versus to figure out versus to seek; “too” constructions; dummy versus idiot2015-05-08 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第339期:American President
American Presidents - Herbert Hoover; knock-knock jokes; awful versus terrible versus terrific; initials in nicknames; that ship has sailed2015-05-09 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第341期:Historic court cas
Rodney King Trial and the 1992 Riots; Dick Tracy detective stories; third world; from versus out of; to pull (oneself) together versus to get a hold of2015-05-11 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第342期:Apocalypse
Movie-Apocalypse Now; getting your child into a private school, K-12; relating to versus related to; down with (the king); to qualify2015-05-12 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第343期:Famous Americans-M
Topics: Famous Americans-Mary Tyler Moore; Famous Songs: “Dem Bones”; to straighten up versus to straighten out; (you're) tripping; to get/fall into the groove2015-05-15 编辑:mike