[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第98期:Robert's Rules
McJobs; Robert's Rules of Order; in for a dime, in for a dollar; a police officer's beat, could versus would, center versus centre2014-08-01 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第100期:Traveling in the U
Traveling in the U.S., gimmick versus trick, to call em like you see em, spite versus respite, in demand versus on demand2014-08-05 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第103期:Raising children
Ask an American: Raising children one of those, reply versus answer, customer versus purchaser2014-08-08 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第106期:American folklore
American folklore: Bigfoot; Who's on First?, to tear apart, Cliff Notes, to fall out of love2014-08-13 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第104期:American cities
American cities:Nashville, Grand Ole Opry; school fund-raisers, to hold on to your hat, to be put inside, a blow-by-blow account2014-08-11 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第107期:Socially Responsib
Ask an American: Socially Responsible Companies case study, to be at sea, to knock (someone's) socks off, to take one's time2014-08-14 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第105期:Why Americans don&
Why Americans don't use the metric system, how to dress in Los Angeles versus New York, yutz, to go back to square one, what to call your cousin's son, I'm done with you2014-08-12 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第108期:Route 66
Route 66, playground games for children, on time versus in time, counting seconds using Mississippi, to knock yourself out2014-08-15 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第110期:How to become a te
How to become a teacher in the U.S., steps in ordering food in a restaurant, to walk the walk and talk the talk, constraint versus restraint, monkey business, on a regular basis2014-08-19 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第109期:Interview with Dr.
Tucson, Arizona (Interview with Dr. Lucy Tse)Harper's Index, to get a kick out of (something), to commute, to not stand for (something)2014-08-18 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第111期:Popular books in t
Famous Americans: Yo Yo Ma; Popular books in the U.S., pronouncing contractions, to figure out versus it figures, there will be no versus there will not be, if you will2014-08-20 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第113期:Gallaudet Universi
Gallaudet University, U.S. call signs for radio and TV stations, outfit versus gear versus equipment, pronouncing law and low, so versus very2014-08-22 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第112期:Holiday Versus Vac
Ask an American: Roswell, New Mexico; holiday versus vacation, arbitrator versus referee versus umpire, Ay, caramba!2014-08-21 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第114期:Boston
Cities: Boston; vanity license plates, to make a difference versus to make the difference, lame, devil's advocate2014-08-25 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第115期:Professional wrest
Topics: Professional wrestling, National Geographic, would-be versus wannabe, be my guest,2014-08-26 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第118期:How to become the
How to become the president of the United States, tailgating parties, seize versus arrest versus detain, pronouncing “the,” expressions for showing sympathy2014-08-29 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第116期:Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, progress versus process, would in the past tense, to be on the chunky side2014-08-27 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第117期:Business travel in
Ask an American: Business travel in the U.S.; bang for your buck, original versus initial, the longest word in English2014-08-28 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第119期:English Cafe
Anchorage, Alaska; John Henry; you might as well, to hit the ground running, the “cafe” in English Cafe, what goes around comes around, breaking news2014-09-01 编辑:mike
[英语咖啡屋] 英语咖啡屋 English Caffee 第59期:Police in the US
Topics: Police in the US, The Simpsons, It's going down, qwerty, can't help but, stolen glance, witchcraft2014-06-06 编辑:mike