[吉米肥伦秀] 他们今天都说了我什么坏话?
Hello. Thank me. Thank me very much. You're watching Impeachment After Dark: Live.2019-11-21 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 加一个字毁一首歌
Now I thought I'd share some of my add a word, ruin a song responses from you guys. Here we go.2019-11-22 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 洗碗机到底怎么使用
Check out this first photo here. The original headline was, Trump responds to Sondland. The headline definitely can be improved because if you only looked a the photo, the headline could have been2019-11-25 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 那些很冷的句子
And now I thought I'd share some of my favorite "That Was Cold" responses from you guys.The DMV lady looked at it for a few seconds and said Aw, sweetie, do you want to try again?2019-11-26 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 大家可以下载小特字体
You guys, my guest tonigh is John Legend. John has won an Oscar, a Tony, an Emmy, a Grammy,2019-11-27 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 感恩节的奇葩传统
So, now I thought I'd share some of my favorite Turkey Day traditions from you guys. This first one is from @5sosroze.2019-11-29 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 额外的椅子有啥含义
Today is Thanksgiving. It's a day all about giving thanks, so I thought what better day to write up my weekly thank-you notes.2019-12-02 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 黑色星期五的宣传标语
Ah, I love Thanksgiving. It's that special time where you spend half the day complaining about driving,2019-12-03 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 我应该叫你什么名字合适呢?
Now, I appreciate the effort but, last time I checked, my whole head gets cold, not just my ears.2019-12-05 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 很让人动情的一幕
There's a thing that happened over the weekend in Iowa that went viral. A person came up to talk to you, and it was very...it was an emotional moment,2019-12-06 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 洛克菲勒中心点亮圣诞树
Well, this is very exciting. Tomorrow is the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.2019-12-09 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 我的好朋友约翰逊
Thank me. Thank me. Welcome back to Impeachment After Dark Live, the only TV show that's being sued by six federal judges and all 12 Vanderpumps.2019-12-10 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米用自己的蜡像戏弄工作人员
嘿,有一个激动人心的消息要告诉你们,我被上蜡了。2019-12-11 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 他们脑子里都在想什么?
Well, you guys, this is huge. Earlier today, House Democrats unveiled the official articles of impeachment against President Trump,2019-12-13 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米用自己的蜡像戏弄工作人员
各位都知道,我们的节目在洛杉矶,或许没有比在洛杉矶开车、在洛杉矶停车更有压力的事情了2019-12-13 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 拥有音乐天赋的人
Do you know this? Cause...Yeah. Do you know what that is? Perfect pitch?When did you realize that you have perfect pitch? Right.2019-12-14 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 用不同口音朗诵圣诞诗
I thought I'd do somethin with you cause you're always fun and we have fun every time you come on here.2019-12-18 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 孩子们有关"星球大战"的搞笑问题
好的 谢谢 我不知道怎么摆脱它们 我 嗯 谢谢哥们儿 休息一下吧 总之 嗯 和它一起下去吧2019-12-18 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 新一季的《单身汉》来咯
Well, guys, the new cast of the upcoming season of The Bachelor has just been revealed.2019-12-19 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 小特的圣诞愿望
All right, who wants to meet Santa Claus? Me! Me! All right. Right this...2019-12-20 编辑:Wendy