[英文小酒馆] 第618期:《闲话英伦》-趣多多饼干的英文名是海盗行业黑话?
The other word that I often hear is booty. What is booty? B-o-o-t-y.2024-05-27 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第619期:《词源考古研究所》-“神秘”的未解之谜,竟和“邪教”有关?
欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块. So in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today?2024-05-29 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第620期:《Geek时间》-抹去人记忆的神秘黑衣人,到底是传说还是事实?
So what are you going to propose that we talk about today?2024-05-31 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第621期:《Geek时间》-回到过去拯救未来,“外星公务员”真的存在?
Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. This is Brad. How's it going? Lulu?2024-06-03 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第622期:《词源考古研究所》-谁家好人名叫“三明治”啊?伯爵我吖!
欢迎大家回来【词源考古研究所】这个板块, so in this segment, we're going to explore the interesting origin of words and phrases. So 安澜, what is the word for today?2024-06-05 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第623期:《福尔摩斯探案集》- 马斯格雷夫仪式:宝藏与背叛,贪婪与爱情,科学与诡计的交织
One thing that always surprised me about my friend Sherlock Holmes was his contradictory habits.2024-06-07 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第624期:《福尔摩斯探案集》- 马斯格雷夫仪式:宝藏与背叛,贪婪与爱情,科学与诡计的交织
“If you think it's necessary,” he replied hesitantly. "To continue my story, I locked the bureau again with Brunton's key and was about to leave when he came back and stood before me.2024-06-12 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第625期:《福尔摩斯探案集》- 马斯格雷夫仪式:宝藏与背叛,贪婪与爱情,科学与诡计的交织
“Now, the calculation was simple. If a rod of six feet made a shadow of nine, then a tree of sixty-four feet would make one of ninety-six.2024-06-14 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第626期:《Geek时间》-法老的诅咒!碰木乃伊的,都没好下场?
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time. 欢迎回来极客时间. Hi, Brad.2024-06-17 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第627期:《词源考古研究所》-Shotgun不是猎枪么?怎么和"副驾驶"
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the segment called It Means What?2024-06-19 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第628期:《Geek时间》-“法老”来了,“王后”来了,怎么能少了金字塔?
Welcome back to geek time advanced. How are you doing lulu?2024-06-21 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第629期:《闲话英伦》-凯特王妃术后首亮相,皇家阅兵是个啥?
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.2024-06-25 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第630期:旅行住宿:从“狗窝”到“皇宫”的奇幻之旅
What about accommodations? And now this I have a lot to say. Accommodations, let's tally them up first.2024-07-03 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第631期:廉航不可告人的秘密,搞不好赔了时间又折钱!
I think that leads on to the next topic “how to save money?”.2024-07-05 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第632期:出门在外的“未知旋律”,别样的旅途变奏曲
But having said all of that, there are also some problems.2024-07-08 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第633期:物欲降低、消费降级,还能这样享受生活?
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the show. Today we have in our studio two special guests, one of them you may still remember from our previous episodes on Prosecco.2024-07-12 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第634期:回到文艺复兴发源地,把盛夏的故事写完
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the show. Today we have in our studio two special guests, one of them you may still remember from our previous episodes on Prosecco.2024-07-15 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第635期:“La Dolce Vita”, 意大利人这“该死的”松弛感
Hi, everyone. And welcome back to the show. Today we have in our studio two special guests, one of them you may still remember from our previous episodes on Prosecco.2024-07-17 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第636期:《安澜老爷子的晚安故事》-跳舞的小人儿背后,是什么凶案线索?
One late morning near the end of July 1898, I was sitting in our living room at 221B Baker Street, thinking deeply.2024-07-19 编辑:sophie
[英文小酒馆] 第637期:《福尔摩斯探案集》-加密情话的背后,藏着什么凶案线索?
Once Hilton Cubitt had gone, my friend rushed to the table.2024-07-22 编辑:sophie