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Severity: Notice

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Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:时尚大比拼 猫猫狗狗也爱美

    Poodle turned into Pacman.贵妇犬变身吃豆人。Dog fashionable hairdo.狗狗的时尚发型。Gone fishing.垂钓去。His owner actually wanted a dog instead of a cat.它的主人本想养条狗狗。No, this is not how dogs

    2011-11-16 编辑:jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:搞笑婚礼玩偶

    欢度完双十一的世纪光棍节,又迎来了双十二的结婚高峰,来看看结婚蛋糕上的搞怪玩偶,也许会给你些灵感呢!Wilton Now I Have You亲爱的威尔顿,现在你是我的了The Love Pinch 因爱而捏Ball and chain 爱的锁链ball

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:史上大比拼 帽子也疯狂

    Spiral hat螺旋帽子Net hat鸟巢帽子Lady Gaga is always surprising with amazing new styles.雷迪嘎嘎的造型总是能一鸣惊人。A tablet hat平板电脑帽子Villa hat别墅帽子Cheesy hat奶酪帽子bamboo split hat斗笠帽

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:时尚家居 浴帘也疯狂

    Psycho Shower Curtain变态杀手浴帘London Underground Map Shower Curtain伦敦地铁地图浴帘Bloody Shower Curtain血手浴帘Periodic Table Shower Curtain元素表浴帘World Map Shower Curtain世界地图浴帘Red Flame

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:时尚精品 搞怪领带

    Icecream Tie冰欺凌领带Pouring Beer Tie倒啤酒领带Hot Dog Tie热狗领带Space Invaders Tie太空侵略者领带(电脑游戏名)Space InvadersCrossword Tie填字游戏领带New York Taxi Cab Shaped Tie纽约出租车领带Pong

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:15款经典"银幕胡子"

    Groucho MarxThere are few mustaches more iconic than that of Groucho Marx, the witty American film star and comedian. What some people don't realize, however, is that Groucho's mustache wasn&

    2011-11-22 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 世界真奇妙 看帅哥们的另类胡子

    Braided beard.胡子辫子Monkeytail beard.卷尾胡Pac-man beard.吃豆子胡子Halo beard.胡子光环Knitted beard.针织胡子Chicago Bulls Center Drew Gooden aspires to overtake Dennis Rodman as weirdest NBA player

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:吐血发型大集结

    Animal weird hairstyles野生动物发型One Shitty Haircut很屎的发型Flower Power花型太阳能Big Lebowski电影《谋杀绿脚趾》cosplayThe Yin-Yang阴阳Modernism现代主义The Dude花花公子Egg roll蛋卷头Disco ball迪斯

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:动物们的搞笑瞬间

    Watch out!小心地滑!Boom!撞的很疼吧!Advertisement doesn't attract humans only.广告吸引的不仅仅是人类。Worst place to take a nap.这可不是午睡的好地方。Lazy snail...懒蜗牛……Wrong prey.搞错猎物啦

    2011-11-30 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:可爱?惊悚?创意玩偶第2弹

    It is Watching它看着你呢。If you ever felt guilty about drinking coffee when you've tried to cut back on your caffeine intake, this little guy can help remind you, as he stares at you with that j

    2011-12-05 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:可爱?惊悚?创意玩偶第1弹

    Fractured Fairy Tales童话世界大逆转What happens when the relatives of those 3 little pigs decide to take revenge on the Big Bad Wolf for destroying the homes of their loved ones in an attempt to eat

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:都是视觉误差惹的祸!(2)

    Elephant loading.加载70%。Nervous drivers (and their equally nervous passengers) beware! You should really prepare yourselves for the sight of Storseisundet Bridge in Norway. The road connection from

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  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:你准备好变身公主了吗?

    Inspired by Kate Middleton's fairytale wedding to Prince William, young girls are enrolling themselves in "Princess Prep" classes to learn how to act and behave like a little princess.受到凯特王妃

    2011-12-06 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:健身房也是个神奇的地方!

    That's how we exercise now!现在的人都这么运动!How are you supposed to exercise without getting wet?健身怎么能不出汗呢?Cause you only need to start exercising AFTER you get into the gym.进了健身

    2011-12-09 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 世界真奇怪:看搞怪圣诞树!

    小编物语:今年的圣诞节马上就要到了,伴随着喜庆的节日气氛,大家的创意想法也跟着爆棚啦,快来看看今年有什么千奇百怪的圣诞树吧!Book Christmas TreeThis tree would look great on a library!纸质圣诞树这棵树

    2011-12-14 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:现实版《死神来了》第1弹

    We all know about the major statistics — thousands of people die from things like cancer, accidents, or other illnesses every day. But did you knowthat enough people die from falling out of bed or g

    2011-12-12 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:现实版《死神来了》(2)

    Jellyfish kill 20-40 people per year in the Philippines alone菲律宾每年20-40人死于水母While most jellyfish are not deadly, some varieties can cause anaphylaxis, which can be fatal.大多数的水母不是致命

    2011-12-13 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 地球人已经无法阻止他们卖萌了

    Baby Lil Lion Halloween Costume狮子宝宝小编物语:这群宝宝真是太可爱了,地球人已经无法阻止他们卖萌了!Baby Muscle Man Costume勇士宝宝Baby White Mouse Halloween Costume小白鼠Peanut Infant Halloween Cos

    2011-12-15 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:新生水獭宝宝

    One of four baby Asian small-clawed otters is seen at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. Born just three weeks ago to parents Simon and Sophie, the pups are nursing and will open their eyes in about a wee

    2011-12-16 编辑:Jasmine

  • [趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:看北极居民如何过冬

    Arctic HareShortened ears and thick, white fur are among the physical traits that arctic hares have adapted to survive in the harsh, frozen tundra.北极兔为了适应北极的冻土和艰苦的生活环境,北极兔进化

    2011-12-19 编辑:Jasmine
