[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第30期:一英指挥家同重病妻子一起自杀
British conductor and his seriously illed wife suicided together 一英指挥家同重病妻子一起自杀2016-03-04 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第32期:时间无法隔断亲情
He’s one of L.A.’s top architects, with award-winning modern buildings from California to the Persian Gulf and West Africa. 他是洛杉矶最卓越的建筑师之一,外加州到波斯湾再到西非2016-03-08 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第33期:巴基斯坦医生的感人故事
She is an illiterate woman from the tribal areas of Pakistan who almost died in childbirth a year after marrying at the age of 12.她是个目不识丁的女人,出生在巴基斯坦的部落地区。2016-03-09 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第36期:美肥胖性疾病每年耗巨资
Obesity-elated diseases account for nearly 10 percent of all medical spending in the United States or an estimated $147 billion a year, US researchers said on Monday.2016-03-14 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第37期:奥巴马的医疗改革
US President Barack Obama is taking his campaign for health-care reform on the road美国总统奥巴马踏上了为医保改革而游说的征程2016-03-15 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第38期:法国疫苗接种计划
An internal French government document that outlines detailed plans and orders for the force vaccination of the French population2016-03-16 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第39期:男士是否该享有带薪产假
Radical reforms to maternity leave legislation, which would allow fathers to take more paid time off今天平等与人权委员会将提出对产假立法的激进改革2016-03-17 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第40期:亚洲妇女工作保障
This year, the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women has a new focus今年的联合国妇女地位委员会年度会议关注的新焦点是全球经济衰退。2016-03-18 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第41期:美国通过房贷政策
Acting amid more bad news about the pace of home mortgage foreclosures in the United States 美国房贷市场传出更多房屋由于房主无力偿还贷款而被借贷机构没收的坏消息2016-03-22 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第42期:日本也需要食品援助
Aid groups say thousands of Japanese families are living under the poverty line.一些救援机构称,成千上万的日本家庭生活在贫困线以下。2016-03-23 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第43期:为女性提供走向成功之路的衣服
Many single low-income women who try to enter the work force find themselves competing for jobs that require business clothes they can’t afford.2016-03-24 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第44期:投资天才—渡边太太
Nakako Ishiyama sits quietly in the living room of her apartment in the old Nihonbashi quarter of Tokyo石山仲子静静地坐在公寓的客厅中,这里位于东京日本桥旧区2016-03-25 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第45期:如何有效地储蓄
Many of us would like to have money in savings.有积蓄是许多人的梦想。2016-03-29 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第46期:夏日凉快又省钱的妙招
With electricity costs rising along with global-warming guilt consumers across the country are struggling to wean themselves from the A/C.2016-03-30 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第47期:不要投资互联网
I can live all day inside the Internet. 我可以整天在互联网上生活。2016-03-31 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第48期:花小钱过高质量生活
Already spent your bailout money? 你已经花光自己救急用的钱了吗?2016-04-05 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第50期:如何在大学里省钱
There are many costs involved with going to college including tuition, books, housing, entertainment, and food. 上大学涉及的费用很多,包括学费、书、住宿、娱乐还有伙食。2016-04-07 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第51期:当下最值得买的股票
Whether the market goes up or down from here, these blue chips are great investments.无论股票市场是上涨还是下跌,这些蓝筹股都是极好的投资选择。2016-04-08 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第34期:截瘫士兵完成马拉松
A soldier who defied doctors to complete the London marathon crossed the finish line on May 9, 2009 2009年5月9日,一名士兵不顾医生的劝告终于越过了伦敦马拉松赛的终点线2016-03-10 编辑:Helen
[全球社会热点新闻报道] 全球社会热点新闻报道 第35期:社会福利和社保
World health officials are carefully watching the H IN 1/09 swine-flu virus as it makes its way through the Southern Hemisphere, which is currently in the thick of its flu season.2016-03-11 编辑:Helen